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Peach Sauce

Peach Sauce image

Place peach juice from can in small saucepan; add equal volume of water; little more sugar, and 8 or 10 raisins, boil this 10 minutes, strain and just before serving add 8 drops extract bitter almonds.

Lemon Sauce

Lemon Sauce image

Boil 1 cupful sugar and 1 cupful water together 15 minutes, then remove; when cooled a little, add 1/2 teaspoonful extract lemon and
1 tablespoonful lemon juice.

Hard Sauce

Hard Sauce image

Beat 1 cupful sugar and 1/2 cupful butter to white cream; add whites
2 eggs, beat few minutes longer; tablespoonful brandy, and teaspoonful extract nutmeg; put on ice until needed.

German Sauce

German Sauce image

Set on the fire in tin pail placed in a stewpan 1/2 full boiling
water, 1 cupful cream and cupful milk; when it reaches boiling
point, add sugar and yolks of 4 eggs with small pinch salt;
whisk very quickly until it has appearance of thick cream very
frothy; just before serving, add tablespoonful very good butter,
1 teaspoonful each extract nutmeg and vanilla, and 1 wineglass
white rum.

Duchesse Sauce

Duchesse Sauce image

Boil 2 ounces grated chocolate in 1/2 pint milk 5 minutes; strain on
2 yolks of eggs beaten with 1/2 gill of cream, and 1/2 cupful sugar, strain, return to fire, stir until thick as honey; remove, and add 1 teaspoonful extract vanilla.

Custard Sauce

Custard Sauce image

One pint milk, yolks of 4 eggs, 1/2 cupful sugar. Set over fire, and stir until thick.

Cream Sauce

Cream Sauce image

Bring 2/3 pint cream slowly to boil; set in stewpan of boiling water; when it reaches boiling point add sugar, then pour slowly on whipped whites of 2 eggs in bowl; add 1 teaspoonful extract vanilla, and use.

Currant Jelly Sauce

Currant Jelly Sauce image

Melt 1 cupful red currant jelly, 1 glass white wine, and 1 teaspoonful extract raspberry.

Brandy Sauce

Brandy Sauce image

Proceed as directed for Wine Sauce, No. 2, substituting
brandy for wine.

Lemon Cream Sauce, Hot

Lemon Cream Sauce, Hot image

Put 1/2 a pint of new milk on the fire, and when it boils
stir into it 1 teaspoonful of wheat flour, 4 ounces of sugar, and
the well-beaten yolks of 3 eggs; remove it from the fire and add
the grated rind and the juice of 1 lemon ; stir it well, and serve hot
in a sauce tureen.