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Sally Hellner, Mary Ackmoody, and Toni Vetter of St. Thomas High School's Young Ladies Sodality perform the play "Danger! Girls Working," April 1944 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

Sally Hellner, Mary Ackmoody, and Toni Vetter of St. Thomas High School's Young Ladies Sodality perform the play "Danger! Girls Working," April 1944 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 20, 1944
APPEAR IN SODALITY PLAY: Sally Hellner, Mary Ackmoody and Toni Vetter, left to right, will have leading roles in "Danger! Girls Working," which members of the Young Ladies Sodality will present in the auditorium of St. Thomas school on Sunday and Monday. Two performances will be given on Sunday, at 2 o'clock and at 8 o'clock, and the play will be given again Monday night at 8 o'clock.

Festival Of the Arts At St. Thomas, December 1970

Festival Of the Arts At St. Thomas, December 1970 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 20, 1970
Students, faculty and interested adults visited the "Festival of the Arts" last week at St. Thomas High School. Sponsored by the school's journalism class, the festival featured science, art and literature displays by about 45 students.

St. Thomas High School, 1970

St. Thomas High School, 1970 image

Bingo at St Thomas the Apostle School, 1973

Bingo at St Thomas the Apostle School, 1973 image