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National Guard Mobilization, January 13, 1937 Photographer: Eck Stanger

National Guard Mobilization, January 13, 1937 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 13, 1937
PREPARING FOR DUTY: National guardsmen here mobilized at the Armory this morning, received field equipment, were given physical examinations and are awaiting orders to move into the auto strike area at Flint. The men are shown here receiving supplies. Corporal Charles Hasmon is receiving his helmet from Supply Sergeant Jack Perry. Left to right are: Corp. Ward Decker, Private James Curtis, Private Charles Case, Corporal Charles Hasmon, Private Raymond Horton, Lieut. Carl Dubuy, Private Aden Davis and Sergeant Jack Perry.

Ann Arbor National Guard Boarding Train for Flint Sit-Down Strike, Jan 14, 1937 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Ann Arbor National Guard Boarding Train for Flint Sit-Down Strike, Jan 14, 1937 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 14, 1937
ENTRAIN FOR FLINT: Ann Arbor's Company K of the Michigan National guard boarded special trains at 6:03 this morning at the Michigan Central station, for transportation to Flint for duty in the automobile strike area. They were photographed as they entered the coaches.

National Guard Returning from Flint Sit-Down Strike, February 1937 Photographer: Eck Stanger

National  Guard Returning from Flint Sit-Down Strike, February 1937 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 19, 1937
HOME AGAIN: Members of C. K. Michigan National guard, were dismissed at the Armory after their return by trucks yesterday from Flint, where they have been on riot duty in the automobile strike sector. The picture above is of the general scene at the Armory.