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Dicken Elementary Students Learn About Nutrition With Rats, March 1973 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Dicken Elementary Students Learn About Nutrition With Rats, March 1973 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 25, 1973
Christie Elliott, left, and Anne Singer are among eight students at Dicken Elementary School working on a nutrition project for the Washtenaw County 4-H Spring Achievement Show to be held March 30-31 at Dexter High School. The students are learning about nutrition by feeding four white rats in two cages. They are being assisted by Christ Todd, a U-M student. (News photo by Cecil Lockard)

Lt. Carver Found Dead In Jet Craft

Lt. Carver Found Dead In Jet Craft image
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Jean Nimke, 4-H Member Honored For Flower Garden Project, November 1938

Jean Nimke, 4-H Member Honored For Flower Garden Project, November 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 2, 1938
PIONEER IN 4-H PROJECT: Miss Jean Nimke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nimke of Plymouth Rd., is the first Washtenaw county 4-H club member named a delegate to club week at Michigan State College for achievement in a flower garden project.

4-H Achievement Dinner At The Michigan Union, October 1938

4-H Achievement Dinner At The Michigan Union, October 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 26, 1938
WIN COUNTY 4-H HONORS: This group of Washtenaw county 4-H club boys and girls was selected to represent Washtenaw county at state club week in East Lansing next spring in various fields of competition. They are: First row - Robert Henning, South Lyon; Dealoris Steel, Bridgewater; Janet Ticknor, Pittsfield; and Lucy Steeb, Ann Arbor township; middle row - Loren Koengeter, route 2, Chelsea; George McKim, jr., Superior township; Mary Tait, Salem township; Virginia Frederick, route 5, Ann Arbor; and Margaret Haas, route 5, Ann Arbor; and back row - Russell McCalla, Pittsfield township; and Jean Nimke, Ann Arbor township. Another delegate, Mary Sullivan, of Lyndon township, was not present when the picture was taken Monday at the Union.

Faith McCrory, 4-H Canning Champion, November 1938

Faith McCrory, 4-H Canning Champion, November 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 30, 1938
SOUTH LYON GIRL FIRST IN CANNING: Faith J. McCrory, attractive 16-year-old South Lyon girl, is Michigan's official canning delegate at the 17th annual National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago this week. She was chosen as Michigan's "most worthy club member in canning projects," and she is shown with a few of the products with which she has won numerous prizes.

Six 4-H Members In Ruhlig Family, August 1938

Six 4-H Members In Ruhlig Family, August 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 17, 1938
SIX 4-H CLUB MEMBERS IN ONE FAMILY: These six sons and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ruhlig of Dexter township are members of the Busy 2-In-1 4-H club. Kneeling, from left to right, are Donald Ruhlig, leader of the club, and Lester Ruhlig, treasurer of the county 4-H council. Standing, from left to right, are: Alice, Albert, Helen and Dorothy. The girls are wearing dresses which they made in 4-H club sewing projects.

Henning Siblings and Sheep, November 1936 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Henning Siblings and Sheep, November 1936 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 25, 1936
INTRODUCING - THE ALL-'ROUND 4-H CHAMPION, HER SISTER AND BROTHER: Above are shown Margaret Henning, right, newly crowned 4-H champion of Washtenaw county, her brother Robert, and sister, Clara. They live near Salem on their father's 280-acre farm. Margaret has completed, with remarkable success, a half dozen 4-H projects and at the banquet given Washtenaw county members in the Michigan Union Monday night by the Kiwanis club she was acclaimed the All-'Round 4-H champion of the county.

Contestants Waiting To Start The Superior 4-H Farmers Club Pie Eating Contest, March 1936 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Contestants Waiting To Start The Superior 4-H Farmers Club Pie Eating Contest, March 1936 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 18, 1936
'ON YOUR TEETH, GET SET - BITE" - And the pie-eating contest of the Superior 4-H farmers' club, held at the home of Robert Steeb, Geddes Rd., last Friday night was under way. Above are shown the contestants, waiting and ready for the word to bite. Standing in the front row are, left to right, Arthur Vandenbosch, Dean Vandenbosch, William Carver, Donald Gill and Wayne Alber. Standing in the rear are Elsie Steeb, Jill Smith, Leona Parker and Junior McKim. Grouped between the front rows are John Smith, Elwood Parker, president of the club, Howard L. Spedding of the Kiwanis club, Wayne Spike, Wallace Vandenbosch, Sebert Hughes, William Leslie, Lucy Steeb, John Carver, Jesse Hewens and Robert Wardle.