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E. W. Latsons To Celebrate Anniversary

E. W. Latsons To Celebrate Anniversary image
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Five Circles Of WSCS Schedule Meetings

Five Circles Of WSCS Schedule Meetings image
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Women of First Methodist Church Bake Bread, November 1963 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Women of First Methodist Church Bake Bread, November 1963 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 20, 1963
Plan Bazaar: There will be bread "just like grandma used to bake" and plenty of other homemade baked goods as well at the "Family Festival" Wednesday being sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church. An early American theme will prevail at the event, which will also offer for sale hand-made gift items and Christmas decorations. Turning out the golden loaves are (from left) Mrs. W. Nial MacDonald, president of the WSCS, Mrs. Theodore Barnes and Mrs. Erland Wangdahl, chairman and co-chairman the event, respectively.

Women of Society of Christian Service Rehearse Play, First Methodist Church, April 1963 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Women of Society of Christian Service Rehearse Play, First Methodist Church, April 1963 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 2, 1963
Rehearse Play: Members of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church are shown rehearsing a scene from "Man Born To Be King" which they will present at their Friday breakfast honoring recent WSCS members. Shown above (left to right) are Mrs. Harold Anderson, Mrs. Hugh Gilbert, Mrs. Dennis Rigan and Mrs. Ward Parr. Mrs. Anderson is directing the program.

Teenagers Prepare Skits For Women's Society of Christian Service Meeting, West Side Methodist Church, November 1962 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Teenagers Prepare Skits For Women's Society of Christian Service Meeting, West Side Methodist Church, November 1962 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 14, 1962
Prepare Skits: Three teenagers, Diane Schauer, Sue Orr and Bill Wright (left to right), prepare for skits with Mrs. Vaughn Whited which will be presented tomorrow night at the West Side Methodist Church for a Women's Society of Christian Service meeting. The skits, to be given in a school room setting, are designed to point up both Christian vocational opportunities and the need for adults to understand problems of youth and to offer guidance. The meeting will begin at 8 p.m., with the program to last from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Women's Society of Christian Service Christmas Mart, First Methodist Church, November 1962 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Women's Society of Christian Service Christmas Mart, First Methodist Church, November 1962 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 30, 1962
Doll Wonderland: Little Cathy Allmand (center) puts a dolly "to bed" while her sister, Barbara, ponders about which doll she'd like to have. The dolls, which are dressed by Mrs. Neil Van Dyke (right), will be featured in the doll booth at the Christmas Mart being sponsored Wednesday by the Women's Society of Christian Service at the First Methodist Church. The children are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allmand of Kirtland Dr.

Cindy Powers and George and Scott Benjamin with Toys for West Side Methodist Church Bazaar, November 1961 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Cindy Powers and George and Scott Benjamin with Toys for West Side Methodist Church Bazaar, November 1961 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 14, 1961
Trial Run: The bean bag game and hobby horses are getting a trial run before being marked for sale in the "Alice in Wonderland" booth of children's toys at the annual bazaar Friday sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian Service of the West Side Methodist Church. George (left)and Scott (right) Benjamin will give the bean bag game their expert opinion while Cindy Powers trys the hobby horse. George and Scott are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benjamin of Lakewood Dr. and Cindy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Powers of Liberty Rd.

Preparing for Bazaar at First Methodist Church, November 1961 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Preparing for Bazaar at First Methodist Church, November 1961 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 10, 1961
Will It Sell? Mrs. Leonard Hughes (center) samples a piece of cake baked from the favorite recipe of Queen Elizabeth II. This recipe, being checked by Mrs. Philip Robinson (left), will be on sale at the Wednesday bazaar of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church. Mrs. Hayden Carruth (right) is president of the WSCS.

Rev. Kendall Cowing, Katie Strand and Laura Van Vlack Pack Books for Marcy Center, First Methodist Church, March 1961 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Rev. Kendall Cowing, Katie Strand and Laura Van Vlack Pack Books for Marcy Center, First Methodist Church, March 1961 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 3, 1961
Works With Youth: The Rev. Kendall Cowing (left), minister of education at First Methodist Church, helps Katie Strand (second form left), and Laura Van Vlack (right), pack books and supplies for Marcy Center, a Chicago settlement house supported by the Methodist Youth Fellowship and the Women's Society of Christian Service.

Sally Lamkin, Her Son David Lambin and Joanne English with Puppets for the West Side Methodist Church Bazaar, November 1960 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Sally Lamkin, Her Son David Lambin and Joanne English with Puppets for the West Side Methodist Church Bazaar, November 1960 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 16, 1960
Puppet Show: Mrs. Burton Lamkin entertains her son David and Joanne English, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert English, with puppets that will be sold in the children's toy booth at the bazaar Friday sponsored by the WSCS of the West Side Methodist Church. The newly formed Young Mothers Circle of the church is sponsoring this booth.