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Chelsea Men Build Portable Dipping Outfit, June 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Chelsea Men Build Portable Dipping Outfit, June 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 15, 1938
Chelsea Men Build Portable Dipping Outfit: Harold Guenther, route 2, Chelsea, and Clarence Bristle, route 1, constructed this portable sheep dipping outfit to make a business of ridding Washtenaw county sheep of external parasites. The top picture (this picture) shows the complete dipping equipment with the exception of the two runways, and the lower photo shows Guenther helping one of the sheep scramble up the side of the tak after being immersed. Shown in the top picture, from left to right are: Mr. Bristle, Norman Schneider, Mr. Guenther and Ben Schneider, of Lima township, whose sheep were being treated.