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Ann Arbor High School's Track Team - Winners Of The Six-A League Title, June 1959 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Ann Arbor High School's Track Team - Winners Of The Six-A League Title, June 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 2, 1959
ANOTHER IN PICTORAL HONOR ROLL: Ann Arbor High's track team, by winning the Six-A League title here last week, joins the list of city prep champions. Shown here are (left to right, front row) Bob Hoffmeyer, Jim Dixon, Dick Dieterle, Lavell Moore, Aksi Kikut, Steve Lowe, Willie Haywood, Dempsey Taylor, Terry Johnson, Gary Kniffen, Eugene Washington and Herb Williams; (second row) Elmer Fournier, Bob Lennox, Frank Willis, Doug Hamilton, Jesse Campbell, Mike Staebler, Tom Rowe, Dave Claggett, Howie Lippert and Fred Hunt; (third row) Jim Stentzel, Brian Westfield, Bern Porche, Jack Rollins, George Edson, Bill Sakai and Mike Levin; (fourth row) Wilson Trice, Rick Mueller, Carl Allen, Bob Spaly, Wayne Myers and Coach Tim Ryan; (fifth row) Gerry Torsch, Gary Krause, Ken Vaitkus, Dale Cunningham and Charles Thomas. Meeting last night, the Pioneer thinclads elected Taylor and Kikut as co-captains for next season. Missing from the picture is Ryan's assistant, Coach Don McEwen.

All-City Football Team, November 1959 Photographer: Eck Stanger

All-City Football Team, November 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 19, 1959
Top Row, Standing: Bob Ufer, sports director WPAG; Dave Griffin, UHS; Dempsey Taylor, AAHS; Dick Burch, St. THS; Bill Orr, AAHS; Jay Stielstra, Coach AAHS; Jack Stovall, Coach UHS. Bottom Row, seated: Bill Prakken, UHS; Wayne Meyers, AAHS; Jim Mitchell, AAHS; Fred Matzinger, AAHS; Brenk Shelton, St. THS; Dennis Sakstrup, AAHS; Pete Andrews, UHS. These boys will be interviewed in person, by sportscenter Tom Wight on WPAG Saturday morning, Nov. 21, at 11:30. Each member will receive a silver football.

Ann Arbor High Dedicates Record Board to Former Track and Field Coach Tim Ryan, July 1966 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Ann Arbor High Dedicates Record Board to Former Track and Field Coach Tim Ryan, July 1966 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 6, 1966
Former Track Coach Honored: Tim Ryan (center), Ann Arbor High track coach who served the school for 38 years from 1926 to 1964, looks over the recently placed record board dedicated in his honor. Ryan coached several of the finest cinder squads in Michigan prep history and during the late 40's and early 50's compiled an amazing record of 45 victories in 46 dual meets. At left is Frank Kline, Ann Arbor High athletic director, and at right is Jim Love, the present track coach who succeeded Ryan in 1964. The board bears the name Pioneer High as a result of the Board of Education's decision to rename Ann Arbor High in view of the planned construction of a second high school which will be named Huron High.