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Sesquicentennial Interview: Emanuel and Elizabeth Haas

This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.

Bethlehem United Church of Christ Marks 140th Anniversary, October 1973 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Bethlehem United Church of Christ Marks 140th Anniversary, October 1973 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 27, 1973
Historic Church The historic Bethlehem United Church of Christ, 423 S. Fourth Ave., is marking its 140th anniversary this week. Chairman of the anniversary committee, left, is Erwin Scherdt. Dr. Theodore L. Trost Jr. is pastor, and, from left, the Revs. Howard F. Gebhart and Dennis R. Brophy are associate pastors.