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Forsythe Junior High Speech class puts on a play, "What the Matter With TV?", December 1963 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Forsythe Junior High Speech class puts on a play, "What the Matter With TV?", December 1963 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 4, 1963
PLAY ON TELEVISION: Forsythe Junior High School's speech and drama class under the direction of William Taylor presented the play, "What The Matter With TV?" this morning during a school assembly. Ninth grade cast members portraying their roles are (from left) Marcia Welch, Beverly Byrn and Jeff Bolgos.

Forsythe Junior High School Yearbook committee, February 1964 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Forsythe Junior High School Yearbook committee, February 1964 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 6, 1964
YEARBOOK IN THE MAKING: Forsythe Junior High School students (from left, seated) Beverly Byrn, Mary Lou Crumb and Kay LaRoe and (from left, standing) Bob Seyfried and Ralph Berry work on materials for this year's edition of Forsythe's yearbook, "Saga." Other schools are also in the midst of yearbook activity.