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Dr. Julio del Toro, Assistant Professor of Spanish - University of Michigan, 1947

Dr. Julio del Toro, Assistant Professor of Spanish - University of Michigan, 1947 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 25, 1948
Named as managing editor of The Modern Language Journal, official publication of the National Federation of Modern Language Teacher Associations, is Dr. Julio del Toro, assistant professor of Spanish at the University. Dr. del Toro also is president of the Federation, but expects to give up that position because of his new duties.

E. E. Calkins - Founder Of Calkins Drug Co.

E. E. Calkins - Founder Of Calkins Drug Co. image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 16, 1946
E. E. Calkins, well known Ann Arbor resident and founder of the Calkins Drug Co., on State St., died this morning at his home on 1004 E. University Ave. He had been ill two weeks.