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Performers Rehearse For The "Operation Tooth Club" Toothcapade, May 1964 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Performers Rehearse For The "Operation Tooth Club" Toothcapade, May 1964 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 14, 1964
'CAPADE CAPERS: Three performers rehearse antics to be featured in "Toothcapade" shows Saturday afternoon at Ann Arbor High School. They are Elizabeth Converse as the clown, John Sonquist on the guitar and Mrs. Sonquist. The show will be free to youngsters who have participated in "Operation Tooth" of the local chapter of the Women for Peace organization.

Packard Community Clinic Celebrates 15th Anniversary, September 1988 Photographer: Steve Jones

Packard Community Clinic Celebrates 15th Anniversary, September 1988 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 27, 1988
PARTY PAINT: Sharon Walden (right) puts the finishing touches on Cristina Jean Bacelis-Bush, age 9, at the Packard Community Clinic, 3174 Packard Road, on Sunday. These two were among the approximately 200 people celebrating the Ann Arbor clinic's 15th anniversary, which also honored Sharon's father, Dr. Jerry Walden, the clinic's physician.

Gene the Clown at the Matrix Theater, November 1975 Photographer: Jack Stubbs

Gene the Clown at the Matrix Theater, November 1975 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 2, 1975
Clowning Around: An incredulous spectator looks up at Gene Hyman balancing on a ledge above the Matrix Theater entrance (above). And Hyman also did fire spitting to publicize the theater's search for local talent. (News Photos by Jack Stubbs)