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Why We Are Buying War Bonds

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Albert Staebler, Farmer, June 1944 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Albert Staebler, Farmer, June 1944 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 22, 1944
Albert Staebler, a farmer, 7734 Plymouth road, has two sons, a daughter, and a son-in-law in war service, and he himself is a soldier of the soil producing war-needed food on his 90-acre farm. His daughter, Lt. Helen Staebler Martin, is a nurse with the Wayne University hospital unit in Italy. One son, Lt. George Staebler, University graduate, is a meteorologist, one of the group of weather specialists in England which has been doing such important work in connection with invasion plans. Another son, Pvt. Melvyn Staebler is training at Keesler Field, Mississippi, to be a weather observer. The son-in-law, Capt. Walter Hileman, is chief of X-Ray, with a station hospital in England. Mr. Staebler says: "I am buying bonds to help speed the day of victory that will bring our girls and boys back home; so that families may be reunited and women can take their rightful places in making and keeping homes, instead of working at war jobs; and last, but not least, to preserve the ideals for which our boys are fighting, the Four Freedoms, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom from want, and freedom from fear."

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