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Technical Director Fred Remley watches Rev. C.W. Carpenter, U-M workshop on religious radio and TV, January 1953

Technical Director Fred Remley watches Rev. C.W. Carpenter, U-M workshop on religious radio and TV, January 1953 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 31, 1953
Sixteen local ministers went behind University radio microphones and television cameras this week in a two-day workshop on religious radio and Tv. Rev. Ralph L. Lewis (far right), Evangelical United Brethren Church pastor and University graduate student, directs by earphone Camerawoman Mary Frances Greshke, University student. Rev. C. W. Carpenter of the Second Baptist Church is in front of camera. Technical director Fred Remley (in front of Lewis), watches images and controls. Smaller images at left show what each camera is taking: larger image at right is one seen by viewers.