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Quality Bakery's New Mural, May 1978 Photographer: Wystan Stevens

Quality Bakery's New Mural, May 1978 image
Ann Arbor 200
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AADL Talks To: Andrea Fulton, 1970s Rock Concert Promoter, Photographer, and Psychedelic Ranger

Andrea Fulton-Higgins
Andye Fulton, Otis Spann Memorial Field, 1972 (Photo by Doug Fulton)

Andrea (aka Andye) Fulton-Higgins, is the daughter of Douglas James Fulton, outdoor editor for the Ann Arbor News from 1955 to 1987, and Anna Louise Summers Fulton, an Ann Arbor Public School teacher for 40 years. Andrea shares her memories of coming of age in Ann Arbor during the heady days of counter-cultural Ann Arbor in the late 1960s and early 1970s. She talks about her involvement in the Ann Arbor music scene and discusses the influence of her parents, in particular, her father's work and legacy as a photographer, music lover, editor, conservationist, and friend. Hundreds of Andrea's photographs are also available in the Andrea Fulton Concert Collection.

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There Went The Neighborhood - Audio Interview: Martha Monk Hill

Martha Monk Hill attended Jones School from kindergarten through sixth grade, and she grew up on North Fifth Avenue with her foster parents Arnell and Bill Ridley. She recalls how her neighbors supported one another, especially parental figures like Carroll and Annette McFadden and Waltstine Perry.

More interviews are available in the There Went The Neighborhood Interview Archive.