There Went The Neighborhood - Studio Interview: Russell Calvert
Russell Calvert attended Jones School from kindergarten through sixth grade in the post-WWII era. He recalls the strong influence of Black business owners like his father, Burgess Calvert, and Charlie Baker. He tells the story of “The Old Neighborhood” before it became known as Kerrytown.
This interview was filmed during the making of the documentary film There Went The Neighborhood: The Closing of Jones School, produced by the Ann Arbor District Library and 7 Cylinders Studio. More interviews are available in the There Went The Neighborhood Interview Archive.
Boy Scouts Prepare for a Party at the Dunbar Center, February 1948

Ann Arbor News, February 12, 1948
Dunbar Scouts Plan 'Housewarming' Party: Plans for a "housewarming" party tonight at Dunbar Civic Center are being discussed here by members of Boy Scout Troop 75, for whom the party is being given. The scouts (left to right) are Fred Adams, Don Calvert, Marvin Baker, Paul Bacon, Curtis Starks, Coleman Jewett, Robert Henson, John Adams, Duane Calvert, Horace Williams, Hathaway Gulley and James Guster. Scoutmaster Vernon Adams is explaining things. At the party, which will begin at 7 o'clock, the troop will be presented with a flag by the Graf-O'Hara post of Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Scoutmaster Vernon Adams Speaks to Members of Troop 75, February 1948

Ann Arbor Firemen Prepare Thanksgiving Dinner For The Central Fire Station, November 1962 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Ann Arbor News, November 22, 1962
THE BEGINNING: Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ernest Heller (center) watches while Firemen Nick Carras (left) and Donald Calvert begin preparations for the Thanksgiving Day meal eaten this noon at the central fire station. The 20-pound turkey which firemen purchased for their dinner is on the table in the foreground.
AACHM Oral History: Gwendolyn Calvert Baker
Gwendolyn Calvert Baker was born in 1931. She talks about growing up in Ann Arbor where she began her distinguished career teaching at Wines Elementary and winning Teacher of the Year. She was also faculty at the University of Michigan’s School of Education; National Executive Director of the YWCA; a member of the New York School Board; and president and CEO of United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
Donald Calvert Helps David R. Byrd Exit Possible Slave Tunnel Discovered Under Washtenaw Lumber Building, November 1972 Photographer: Jack Stubbs

Ann Arbor News, November 3, 1973
A former underground railway tunnel for escaped slaves? That's what David Byrd of the Black Economic Development League (BEDL) says has been uncovered at the BEDL building site on Depot Street at the Broadway Bridge. The discovery was made while footings were being dug for the building which will be used for offices and spaces for classes in such subjects as photography, printing and drafting. Donald Calvert (left) of Calvert Brothers Construction Co. gives Byrd a helping hand after and inspection of the tunnel.
Slave Tunnel?

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AACHM Oral History: Russell Calvert
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Russell Calvert is the Owner/Operator of Calvert’s Roll-Off Container, Inc. Calvert’s Roll-Off Container, Inc. has been in business since the early 1950s. Burgess Calvert, Russell’s father, started the company with one truck; Russell joined the company in 1976 and has greatly expanded the business to include government and commercial services. As the Owner & Operator, Russell oversees the daily operations, development, and implementation of all programs and operations.
Kerrytown Expanding Into Warehouse

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Blacks in Business: "Subtle Barriers" Kerner Plus 10 - Employment