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First Birthday Party For Jean Jahnke, George Stentzel, & Sheila Fitzgerald - November 22, 1939 Photographer: Eck Stanger

First Birthday Party For Jean Jahnke, George Stentzel, & Sheila Fitzgerald - November 22, 1939 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 23, 1939
These three children were born within an hour of each other a year ago in the same hospital. Their mothers brought them together yesterday for a reunion and first birthday party. Left to right they are: Jean Elizabeth Jahnke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jahnke of First St., George Fletcher Stentzel, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Stentzel of Crest Ave., and Sheila Ann Fitzgerald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald of Montclair Ave.

Boy Scouts Prepare for a Party at the Dunbar Center, February 1948

Boy Scouts Prepare for a Party at the Dunbar Center, February 1948 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 12, 1948
Dunbar Scouts Plan 'Housewarming' Party: Plans for a "housewarming" party tonight at Dunbar Civic Center are being discussed here by members of Boy Scout Troop 75, for whom the party is being given. The scouts (left to right) are Fred Adams, Don Calvert, Marvin Baker, Paul Bacon, Curtis Starks, Coleman Jewett, Robert Henson, John Adams, Duane Calvert, Horace Williams, Hathaway Gulley and James Guster. Scoutmaster Vernon Adams is explaining things. At the party, which will begin at 7 o'clock, the troop will be presented with a flag by the Graf-O'Hara post of Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Cynthia Yao Enjoys Paczki Pardi Gras At The Concord Center, February 1993 Photographer: Larry E. Wright

Cynthia Yao Enjoys Paczki Pardi Gras At The Concord Center, February 1993 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 23, 1993
Cynthia Yao, director of the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum, enjoys a bite of paczki during the Paczki Pardi Gras II celebration this morning. Guests had a chance to try some of the many flavored fillings at the party organized by Cynthia Grzelak. Leftovers will be distributed to the local shelters, she said.

Santa Chats With Young Patients At The St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Christmas Open House, December 1948

Santa Chats With Young Patients At The St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Christmas Open House, December 1948 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 17, 1948
'AND YOU CAN BRING ME -': Main attraction, of course, at the Christmas Open House held by the sisters and staff of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital for children patients was the man with the white whiskers and the deep laugh. Some of the party-goers able to attend the affair in the hospital auditorium are clustered around Santa Claus and, presumably, the little fellow on Santa's knee is only about half-way through his Christmas list. In the evening, staff members presented a program of entertainment for child and adult patients from the auditorium stage.