Cindy Morris Competes in City Junior Tennis Tournament, August 1971 Photographer: Jack Stubbs
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City Junior Tennis Tournament Winners Show Off Their Trophies, August 1971 Photographer: Jack Stubbs
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Ann Arbor News, August 8, 1971
Junior Net Titlists: The winners in the City Junior Tennis Tournament accounted for 17 trophies. The net titlists are: (front row, left to right) Gordon Kamisar, boy's 14 doubles; Cindy Morris, girl's 16 doubles; Chris Gray, girl's 14 and 16 singles and 16 doubles; Emily Barrett, girl's 18 singles and doubles; Ron Rostow, boy's 12 singles; (back row) Chris Powers, boy's 18 doubles; Tom Rehak, boy's 18 doubles; John Martin, boy's 14 singles; Peter Osler, 16 doubles; Dave Kamisar, boy's 14 doubles. Missing at time picture was made were Mark Weber and Bev Morris, who both won four other titles.
Ann Arbor News, August 8, 1971
Junior Net Titlists: The winners in the City Junior Tennis Tournament accounted for 17 trophies. The net titlists are: (front row, left to right) Gordon Kamisar, boy's 14 doubles; Cindy Morris, girl's 16 doubles; Chris Gray, girl's 14 and 16 singles and 16 doubles; Emily Barrett, girl's 18 singles and doubles; Ron Rostow, boy's 12 singles; (back row) Chris Powers, boy's 18 doubles; Tom Rehak, boy's 18 doubles; John Martin, boy's 14 singles; Peter Osler, 16 doubles; Dave Kamisar, boy's 14 doubles. Missing at time picture was made were Mark Weber and Bev Morris, who both won four other titles.
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Cindy Morris - Ann Arbor Junior Tennis Team, June 1970 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
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Ann Arbor Junior Tennis Team, June 1970 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
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Ann Arbor News, June 28, 1970
There are plenty of tournaments in the future for the Ann Arbor Junior Tennis Team which is coached by Roger Boylan and Brian Eisner. The team members are: (left to right kneeling) Mark Weber, Cindy Morris, Bruce Thomson, Chris Gray, Ellis Freatman, (back row) Oliver Owens, John Freatman, Bev Morris, Emily Barrett and Peter Osler.
Ann Arbor News, June 28, 1970
There are plenty of tournaments in the future for the Ann Arbor Junior Tennis Team which is coached by Roger Boylan and Brian Eisner. The team members are: (left to right kneeling) Mark Weber, Cindy Morris, Bruce Thomson, Chris Gray, Ellis Freatman, (back row) Oliver Owens, John Freatman, Bev Morris, Emily Barrett and Peter Osler.
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Mark Weber - Ann Arbor Junior Tennis Team, June 1970 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
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Emily Barrett - Ann Arbor Junior Tennis Team, June 1970 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
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Oliver Owens - Ann Arbor Junior Tennis Team, June 1970 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
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Youth Getting New Concept In Tennis Play
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Ann Arbor City Junior Tennis Tournament Winners, July 1972 Photographer: Jack Stubbs
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 26, 1972
The winners in the City Junior Tennis Tournament make for a happy group at the Burns Park Courts. The titlists are: (front row, left to right) Bruce Thomson, Tom Rehak, Jeff Jeffries, Ted Miller, (back row) Kathy Chase, Ollie Owens, Chris Gray and Karen Lucas. Thomson and Rehak were the boy's 18 doubles winners. Jeffries, who won the boy's 14 singles, teamed with Miller for the boy's 14 doubles crown. Miss Chase won the girl's 14 singles. Owens was the boy's 18 and 16 singles winner and teamed with John Martin for the boy's 16 doubles title. Miss Gray won the girl's 16 singles and she teamed with Miss Lucas for the girl's 18 doubles title. Emily Barrett (top right), a standout netter on the Huron High School tennis squad, was the girl's 18 singles winner, and Andrew Halpern, (bottom right) captured the boys singles championship.
Ann Arbor News, July 26, 1972
The winners in the City Junior Tennis Tournament make for a happy group at the Burns Park Courts. The titlists are: (front row, left to right) Bruce Thomson, Tom Rehak, Jeff Jeffries, Ted Miller, (back row) Kathy Chase, Ollie Owens, Chris Gray and Karen Lucas. Thomson and Rehak were the boy's 18 doubles winners. Jeffries, who won the boy's 14 singles, teamed with Miller for the boy's 14 doubles crown. Miss Chase won the girl's 14 singles. Owens was the boy's 18 and 16 singles winner and teamed with John Martin for the boy's 16 doubles title. Miss Gray won the girl's 16 singles and she teamed with Miss Lucas for the girl's 18 doubles title. Emily Barrett (top right), a standout netter on the Huron High School tennis squad, was the girl's 18 singles winner, and Andrew Halpern, (bottom right) captured the boys singles championship.
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Emily Barrett - Ann Arbor City Junior Tennis Tournament Girls's 18 Singles Winner, June 1972 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
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