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City Councilmen Receive "Your Government Officials" Publication From League Of Women Voters Members, February 1966 Photographer: Duane Scheel

City Councilmen Receive "Your Government Officials" Publication From League Of Women Voters Members, February 1966 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 11, 1966
In pre-finance drive activity League of Women Voters drive chairman, Mrs. William Weichlein (from left) presents copies of "Your Government Officials," a league publication listing all locally elected and appointed officials, to City Councilmen John Hathaway and Dr. Edward Pierce. With them is Mrs. Pierce, a league member. The booklet accompanied the organization's 1966 finance drive letter which has been mailed to 2,200 citizens.

St. Thomas Catholic Church, Headquarters For Detroit Emergency Food Project, Volunteers Sort Donations, July 1967 Photographer: Duane Scheel

St. Thomas Catholic Church, Headquarters For Detroit Emergency Food Project, Volunteers Sort Donations, July 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 27, 1967
Helping Hands: Volunteer workers sort clothes, carry in food, arrange food in boxes and load supplies on trucks at St. Thomas Catholic Church, headquarters for the local Detroit Emergency Food Project. At left is Father Patrick Jackson as he oversees work being done by Ann Marie Ryan (in front) and (from left in back) Jackie Booker, Jo Ann Baker, Mrs. Edward Pierce and Mary Uren. The project is an interfaith one.