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Five Ann Arbor Debutantes - L'Esprit Club's 14th Annual Debutante Ball, June 1969

Five Ann Arbor Debutantes -  L'Esprit Club's 14th Annual Debutante Ball, June 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 16, 1969
Five of Ann Arbor's debutantes are (from left) Beautelle Askew, Sandra Sharkey, Denise Witcher, Marcia Watson, Barb Patton

'In White America' Play, May 1969

'In White America' Play, May 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 11, 1969
"Six of the eight Pioneer High School students who presented the dramatic reading 'In White America' this week to their fellow students are shown here during a rehearsal. They are (from left) Peter Blunt, Kathy Nichols, Kathy Colvin, Marsha Officer, Denise Witcher, and Larry Hunter. Not pictured are Tim Prosser and Clyde Hackney. The production was a portion of the 'Human Relations Happening' observed this past week at Pioneer High. Instead of just one civil rights assembly, the program was spread out over the entire week. The 'Happening' was scheduled by a committee of 10 black and 10 white Pioneer students."