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After School Dance Class - Slauson Junior High School, November 1956

After School Dance Class - Slauson Junior High School, November 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 30, 1956
DANCING AFTER SCHOOL: These Slauson Junior High School students are part of about 75 receiving after-school instruction in social dancing for a 10-week period. Instruction at Slauson is in charge of George Payne of 508 Hill St. Social dancing is similarly being taught at Tappan Junior High School as an extracurricular activity. The activity is under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Public Schools Recreation Department.

Jim Kruz and Vicki Honeyman Leading A Jitterbug Class At Joe's Star Lounge, July 1982 Photographer: Colleen Fitzgerald

Jim Kruz and Vicki Honeyman Leading A Jitterbug Class At Joe's Star Lounge, July 1982 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 28, 1982
JITTERBUG - Stay tune for the revival of the jitterbug, led by Jim Kruz and Vicki Honeyman (above, left) [this photo] for Ann Arbor enthusiasts. The team has been teaching sold-out classes at Joe's Star Lounge, 109 N. Main St., since May and Vicki says she feels like a "jitterbug missionary." Students and instructors often come in 50s-style clothing. Above center and left, Jim instructs Lynn Masiee how to lead in slow and swing out.