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There Went The Neighborhood - Audio Interview: Diana McKnight-Morton

Diana McKnight-Morton attended Jones School as an elementary student in the 1950s. She remembers growing up in a multi-racial, industrial neighborhood that resisted urban renewal. Her father, Robert Thompson, ran DeLong’s Bar-B-Q Pit on Detroit Street for 38 years.

More interviews are available in the There Went The Neighborhood Interview Archive.

Fred Bentz and Eddie Owens Demonstrate Bicycle Safety, September 1963 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Fred Bentz and Eddie Owens Demonstrate Bicycle Safety, September 1963 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 12, 1963
'LITE A BIKE': VFW Graf-O'Hara Post 423, Ladies Auxiliary and Dads of Foreign Service Veterans 151 are sponsoring Lite A Bike--Save A Life Day from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday at the Fifth Ave. City Parking Lot. Reflector tapes will be attached to all bikes brought into the lot. Above, Fred Bentz, project chairman, shows how the stickers will be applied to the bike as Bonnie Jean Flanders, fourth grader at Haisley Elementary School; Steven Garris, seventh grader at Slauson Junior High School, and Patrolman Eddie Owens of the Ann Arbor Police Youth Bureau look on.

Bicyclists Rest on the Diag, May 1980 Photographer: Robert Chase

Bicyclists Rest on the Diag, May 1980 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 27, 1980
The new-grown grass on the diag is always a winner as this cyclist and friend can attest

Ted Kelly and Lisa Bennett at Bike Race, May 1980 Photographer: Robert Chase

Ted Kelly and Lisa Bennett at Bike Race, May 1980 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 27, 1980
Bicycle racers took over a portion of Ann aRbor and the U-M campus Sunday. The races began near South and East University streets and circled the campus area. Above, cyclist Ted Kelly gets some help with his back tag number from Lisa Bennett.