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Trophy Up For Grabs In "Pig Bowl" Fundraiser To Aid Needy Children, December 1969 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Trophy Up For Grabs In "Pig Bowl" Fundraiser To Aid Needy Children, December 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 6, 1969
Pig Bowl Trophy - A Pig Bowl Trophy, sufficiently bruised and battered, will be presented to the winner of tomorrow's football contest between the Ann Arbor City Police Department and the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Deputies. The trophy is an authentic pig-slopping can, said donor Glenn Sakcriska. It dates back to 1913 when it originally was a cream can for a dairy farm in northern Michigan. Shown are Deputy Tom Kelly at "left end," Sakcriska and City Police Officer Philip M. LaVigne, "right end."
Graphic for events post


AADL Talks To Veteran Ann Arbor News Reporter Bill Treml

Bill Treml spent forty years at the Ann Arbor News working the police beat--"chasing cops and robbers," as he puts it. In that time he saw and reported on many of the stories we remember: the Coed Murders of John Norman Collins, UFO sightings, a bank robbery in Ypsilanti that left one police officer dead. Much of what we remember we remember from what he wrote. We got a chance to talk to Bill about some of those stories and what kept him at it through all those years. Treml's self-effacing manner cannot hide the fact that he went places most of us have never gone and witnessed things most of us never want to see. He stood in mud in his pajamas at murder scenes. He chased down paddy wagons. He took a front row seat to riots. He sat across the table from one of the worst serial killers in Michigan's history. Treml shared his stories of years as a reporter and told us what it takes to be a great reporter in any age of news reporting.