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Ann Arbor dignitaries at opening of Michigan Union Annex, June 10, 1937 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Ann Arbor dignitaries at opening of Michigan Union Annex, June 10, 1937 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 7, 1973
Charles Baird of Kansas City, donor of the Baird Carillon on the U-M campus, had a lot of help when he registered for the first room to be rented in the new Michigan Union annex in June 1937. The two Union employees at the left are Stanley G. Waltz, Union manager, who later became a sheriff in New York state, and night clerk Creighton R. Coleman, who is former majority leader of the Michigan Senate and now a Calhoun county circuit judge and husband of Judge Mary Coleman, recently elected to the Michigan Supreme Court. Third from left is Fielding H. Yost, former U-M coach and athletic director; and the others, left to right: Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley; Prof. Henry C. Anderson; Baird; Arthur W. Stace, editor of The News; U-M President Alexander G. Ruthven, and the Ann Arbor attorney George J. Burke.