Pittsfield Branch Is Open Today
by TimG
Pittsfield Branch, which had been closed for a carpet installation project, resumes normal hours today, opening at 10:00 AM.
Pittsfield Branch Closure for Carpet Installation: May 15-22
by aadl-news
The Pittsfield Branch will close on Monday, May 15 for the installation of new carpeting. It is expected to reopen on Monday, May 22.
All Hold items ready for pick up at closing on Sunday, May 14, will be relocated to the Westgate Branch. All Pittsfield holds will be available at Westgate for the duration of the project.
We apologize for the inconvenience. The Pittsfield Branch opened in the Spring of 2006, and is a busy and well used location. We know this closure will be a disruption, but we hope the improvements will make it understandable and worth it.
Traverwood Branch Closure Extended through Thursday April 20
by parkerj
The Traverwood Branch will be closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday April 17, 18, 19 and 20th for routine maintenance of the wood floors.
All Traverwood hold items remaining on the hold shelf Saturday evening at 6:00 PM will be moved to Downtown and returned by opening on Friday, April 21 at 9:00 AM. Items on the hold shelves when Traverwood reopens will be held over the weekend to allow extra time for pickup. Items may still be returned to the Traverwood drop boxes during the closure.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience, and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to keep the buildings clean and functioning at their best.
Westgate Branch is Open
by aadl-news
The Westgate Branch opened Tuesday, September 6! There is plenty of parking in the rear of the shopping center, and the best access is from the Rite Aid end of the center. Just drive around, park behind the Library, and enter through the new rear doors.
As of today, holds may be placed for pick up at Westgate, and if you have outstanding items on a request list, please go to aadl.org/contactus and send a message asking to have your holds relocated to West for pickup. All outstanding holds waiting on Pittsfield shelves for Westgate will be available today at Westgate.
It has been almost 10 months since Westgate closed for renovations, and we are very pleased to be reopening in four times the space, with a new rear entry, a Reading Room, two small meeting rooms, a large program room, dedicated space for youth, a Sweetwaters Cafe, and books, books, books!
We look forward to seeing you sometime soon in the new Westgate!
Westgate Will Open on Tuesday, September 6
by aadl-news
The Westgate branch of the AADL will open on Tuesday, September 6 at 9:00 AM. We invite you to visit this newly renovated location, and to join us there for a public celebration on Sunday, September 18, at 12:00 PM. We will have music, food, and fun for all ages at this celebration of a new library in a familiar place.
Malletts Creek Normal Hours Have Resumed
by aadl-news
We thank you for your patience, and are pleased to be able to resume normal hours at Malletts Creek, today, October 19.
Construction Update: The Fence is Down!
by aadl-news
The front entry construction is complete. Please come on downtown to the Library and let us know what you think.
Downtown Construction Update: Downtown Library Opens on Saturday, June 13
by aadl-news
The Downtown Library will reopen on Saturday, June 13, at 9:00 AM. Access will remain limited to the north, and we strongly caution pedestrians to not walk in traffic on Fifth Avenue. We are midpoint in the construction process for the work on the front of the building. There is still a lot of demolition work to be done, so the noise and dust are with us for a few more weeks.
We took advantage of the necessary closure to have new carpeting installed in the Children's Room and on the Third Floor. We also moved many collections to different floors so that room for expansion in most collections is now possible. Maps will be posted at each floor and available at all service desks. No collections were reduced in size or eliminated. Please ask us if you cannot find what you are looking for on Saturday.
Until Saturday,
Construction Closure - Downtown Library Closed for Approximately Two Weeks
by TimG
The Downtown Library will be closed beginning Friday, May 29 due to the Front Porch Construction Project. The length of the closure is undetermined at this time but estimated at two weeks. The front entry doors and all of the concrete on the current porch to the north are being replaced during this phase of the project. In addition, carpeting is being replaced on two floors and several collections are being shifted to allow for growth in the collection. The public stairway is also being sanded and painted, and a new programming space is being outfitted in the Lower Level. We realize how inconvenient this is for the hundreds of people who use the Downtown Library each day, but it will be a much better environment from the outside in when the work is completed. We hope that you will continue to use the Library at one of the four branch locations while Downtown is closed.
In expectation of the closure, no Library items are due after May 29 and before June 12, however, the Downtown Library dropbox on William Street will be available. Downtown Library hold items will be available at Traverwood Branch at opening on Friday, May 29.
Book donations to the FAADL, usually made at the loading dock off William Street, cannot be accepted on May 29, 30, or 31.
A Great Year at AADL
by aadl-news
This past year at the Library marked some important milestones including the 10th Anniversary of the opening of Malletts Creek, and the 5th anniversary of the Washtenaw Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled@aadl. The AADL was named, once again, a Five Star Library and we encourage you to watch our annual report to see how you and your family figure into what can only be described as astonishing use by this community of its public library.
It is an honor to be one of the 200 or so persons who work each day to provide library services in our community, and we all thank you for your support.