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Roman Tresniowsky Readies Lumber For A New Playground at Eberwhite School, May 1990 Photographer: Rodney Curtis

Roman Tresniowsky Readies Lumber For A New Playground at Eberwhite School, May 1990 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 4, 1990
More than 1,000 people have gathered this week to help build a new playground at Eberwhite School. Paula Denton, Tom O'Connell and John Griebe, top, began by working on a step portion of the playscape while Eberwhite alumnus Dudley Sager, above, marks lumber to be cut. Roman Tresniowsky, far right [this photo], gets lumber ready for varnishing while Jack Brown and Art Bauer work on the maze portion of the playground structure.