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House Being Moved South On State Street, November 1950

House Being Moved South On State Street, November 1950 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 16, 1950
House-moving has become fairly commonplace in Ann Arbor, with residences transferred to make way for new buildings, but seldom are the houses routed through business districts. This one, moved to make way for a parking lot for the Muehlig Funeral Chapel on Fourth Ave., was photographed at a busy campus area intersection, S. State St. and N. University Ave. It was being moved to 259 Crest Ave. Strangely, the house was first transported east, on a selected route, although its destination was on the west side of the city. The route was Liberty to State St., then to Rose St., White St., Stadium Blvd., W. Liberty St. and finally to Crest.