Workmen Prepare Site Of Annual Chelsea Community Fair, October 1950
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Ann Arbor News, October 4, 1950
PROPOSED PERMANENT SITE FOR CHELSEA FAIR: The 10-acre plot adjoining the Bowser plant on the east and running along the south side of old US-12, just south of Chelsea, may become the site for a permanent home for Chelsea's annual community fair. The plot is pictured above as it was being readied yesterday for the 1950 celebration of the fair, this week. Fair board executives have already taken options on this property for that purpose and hope some day to erect steel-frame buildings to house the fair.
Ann Arbor News, October 4, 1950
PROPOSED PERMANENT SITE FOR CHELSEA FAIR: The 10-acre plot adjoining the Bowser plant on the east and running along the south side of old US-12, just south of Chelsea, may become the site for a permanent home for Chelsea's annual community fair. The plot is pictured above as it was being readied yesterday for the 1950 celebration of the fair, this week. Fair board executives have already taken options on this property for that purpose and hope some day to erect steel-frame buildings to house the fair.
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Chelsea's Annual Community Fair Will Open Tonight
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Pig Scramble At The Chelsea Community Fair, October 1950
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 6, 1950
SCRAMBLING FOR PIGS AT THE CHELSEA FAIR: Each of the 14 Future Farmers of America who participated in the "pig scramble" at the Chelsea Community fair yesterday succeeded in capturing and winning permanent possession of a Duroc, to start a pedigreed line of his own. The 14 piglets were donated by businessmen and farmers of the Chelsea neighborhood and each winner is to have his animal bred and from the pen he is to return one female for the "pig scramble" at the 1951 Chelsea Fair. The community fair will continue tonight and through Saturday. Horsepulling contests were scheduled today.
Ann Arbor News, October 6, 1950
SCRAMBLING FOR PIGS AT THE CHELSEA FAIR: Each of the 14 Future Farmers of America who participated in the "pig scramble" at the Chelsea Community fair yesterday succeeded in capturing and winning permanent possession of a Duroc, to start a pedigreed line of his own. The 14 piglets were donated by businessmen and farmers of the Chelsea neighborhood and each winner is to have his animal bred and from the pen he is to return one female for the "pig scramble" at the 1951 Chelsea Fair. The community fair will continue tonight and through Saturday. Horsepulling contests were scheduled today.
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Scrambling For Pigs At The Chelsea Fair
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Audrey Haab With Her Cow At The Chelsea Community Fair, October 1950
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 6, 1950
A BIT OF PRIMPING: Thirteen-year-old Audrey Haab of Manchester didn't win the blue ribbon with her Guernsey heifer entry in yesterday's cattle judging at the Chelsea Community Fair but it wasn't for want of careful primping of her pet before the contest started. Even if it didn't win first honors the Guernsey looked mighty good to the judges - in such attractive company.
Ann Arbor News, October 6, 1950
A BIT OF PRIMPING: Thirteen-year-old Audrey Haab of Manchester didn't win the blue ribbon with her Guernsey heifer entry in yesterday's cattle judging at the Chelsea Community Fair but it wasn't for want of careful primping of her pet before the contest started. Even if it didn't win first honors the Guernsey looked mighty good to the judges - in such attractive company.
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A Boy With His Cow At The Chelsea Community Fair, October 1950
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