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Ruth Everett with thoroughbred Elegant Jade, April 1991 Photographer: Colleen Fitzgerald

Ruth Everett with thoroughbred Elegant Jade, April 1991 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1991
Ruth Everett with Elegant Jade: after over 40 years in the business, she still loves to look over a new horse

Everett's Riding School - Summer Camp, July 1964 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Everett's Riding School - Summer Camp, July 1964 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 29, 1964
HEADING FOR THE WOODS: What better way to climax a hard day of work and play at summer riding camp than to take to the trails? These young riders, day campers at Everett's Riding School on North Maple Road, are being led by counselor Jane Berkeley and include (front to rear) Janie Brown, Gloria Brown, Brookie Hinerman, Sarah Kennedy, Paul Schneider, Sharon Siller and Margaret Westrum. Mrs. Jerry Everett owns and operates the school.