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Bidding at the Ann Arbor Police Bike Auction, March 1982 Photographer: Mark A. Hodney

Bidding at the Ann Arbor Police Bike Auction, March 1982 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 22, 1982
I'll Bid . . . - Bicycling weather is just around the corner, and one place to pick up a used two-wheeler was the Ann Arbor Police Department's bicycle auction, held Sunday morning at the police garage behind City Hall. At left, Charles Cole appraises the merchandise in preparation for his bid, which he makes (right) [this photo] with Jean McPherson looking on. In all, 81 bicycles -- stolen, recovered by the police, but left unclaimed -- found new owners at the auction.

Ann Arbor Police Bike Auction, March 1982 Photographer: Mark A. Hodney

Ann Arbor Police Bike Auction, March 1982 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 22, 1982
I'll Bid . . . - Bicycling weather is just around the corner, and one place to pick up a used two-wheeler was the Ann Arbor Police Department's bicycle auction, held Sunday morning at the police garage behind City Hall. At left, [this photo] Charles Cole appraises the merchandise in preparation for his bid, which he makes (right) with Jean McPherson looking on. In all, 81 bicycles -- stolen, recovered by the police, but left unclaimed -- found new owners at the auction.