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Municipal Farmers Market Plans, June 1940 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Municipal Farmers Market Plans, June 1940 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 17, 1940
MARKET STARTED: Inspecting the start of work on the construction of a covered market at the municipal market site Saturday were, left to right, William Biederman, city market master, Mrs. Jane Forshee, member of the city market committee representing the growers, and Mrs. L. M. Eich of Ann Arbor, chairman of the market committee.

Michael Wesley Displays Sweet Corn At The Municipal Market, August 1957

Michael Wesley Displays Sweet Corn At The Municipal Market, August 1957 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 28, 1957
Sweet Corn Time: At peace with the world at the Ann Arbor Municipal Market today is Michael Wesley of Temperance, Mich., pictured here trimming the husks off sweet corn to display its kernels to potential buyers.