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Elmer Mayer Of The Graf-O'Hara Post, VFW, Presents An Award To Ann Arbor Lions Club President Raymond Garner, May 1953

Elmer Mayer Of The Graf-O'Hara Post, VFW, Presents An Award To Ann Arbor Lions Club President Raymond Garner, May 1953 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 26, 1953
Elmer E. Mayer (left), immediate past commander of Graf-O'Hara Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, presents the national VFW's "Community Service Award" to the Ann Arbor Lions Club president, Prof. Raymond L. Garner. One of four such awards in Michigan, the citation was given to the Ann Arbor club for its "outstanding community service, support and achievements."

Boy Scouts And Local Residents Attend A War Monument Dedication On Memorial Day, May 1952 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Boy Scouts And Local Residents Attend A War Monument Dedication On Memorial Day, May 1952 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 31, 1952
East Ann Arbor dedicated a stone memorial to her heroes of World War II and the Korean War in Memorial Day ceremonies yesterday. The memorial stone, furnished by the East Ann Arbor Women's Club, carries the promise: "In the Glory of Their Youth We Shall Remember Them." This is the general scene as Scout units and residents took part in the dedication. Elmer E. Mayer, (top, right), commander of the Graf-O'Hara Veterans of Foreign Wars post, spoke briefly during the ceremonies.