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Peoples' choice: to rear orphan

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There Went The Neighborhood - Audio Interview: Martha Monk Hill

Martha Monk Hill attended Jones School from kindergarten through sixth grade, and she grew up on North Fifth Avenue with her foster parents Arnell and Bill Ridley. She recalls how her neighbors supported one another, especially parental figures like Carroll and Annette McFadden and Waltstine Perry.

More interviews are available in the There Went The Neighborhood Interview Archive.

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AACHM Oral History: Laurita Thomas

Laurita Thomas

Laurita Thomas was born in 1950, and her family lived in southwest Detroit and Ontario, California. She attended the University of Michigan and pursued two master’s degrees from Wayne State University and Eastern Michigan University. Throughout her career, Thomas has pushed for better career opportunities for women and women of color. She worked at U-M for 47 years, eventually serving as Vice President for Human Resources. A survivor of domestic violence, she regularly shares her story and was president of the board of Safe House Center in Ann Arbor.

View historical materials.

Tuthill Family Adopts Orphan Peggy Ann from Korea, April 1961 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Tuthill Family Adopts Orphan Peggy Ann from Korea, April 1961 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 7, 1961
Adopt Korean Orphan: Peggy Ann, a three-year-old Korean orphan, sits on the lap of her new mother, Mrs. Lloyd Tuthill, in the living room of the Tuthill farm at 10337 Tuthill Rd., Green Oak township, Livingstone county. Members of the Tuthill family (left to right), shown here, are Tuthill (standing), Gary, 7, Sally, 10, Richard, 14, Mrs. Tuthill with Peggy Ann, Ruth, 12, and James, 8.