WAPUR 2024 | Sunday, December 15 | AADL's Warehouse at 265 Parkland Plaza
WAPUR stands for Washtenaw Area Pick Up Robotics! Come see local High School FIRST Robotics Championship teams play a fast, fun game with large robots! Including crafts for kids and chances to meet the teams, this is a great way to learn more about the local competitive robotics scene and if it's something someone in your family might be interested in!
Teams will compete in 2v2 matches on a full-sized field for fun and glory with the winning teams taking home the coveted CAN OF BEANS!
This event is open to the public from 2 PM to the end of finals, planned for around 5 PM.
Info for WAPUR teams:
Venue access for teams begins at 10 AM and the event will wrap up by 6 PM. This event is free to teams and spectators. Pizza lunch will be provided to registered teams.
The public is invited to attend and cheer on the teams. Teams should plan for an outreach table separate from their pit, ideally with an activity or something to engage kids and spread the message of FIRST!
Here's the WAPUR 2024 Game Manual!
Questions? Concerns? Want to volunteer to help? Contact Library Director Eli Neiburger at eli@aadl.org.
Not sure what to expect? See what happened at WAPUR 2023!