MeLCat will be performing system updates starting February 10th, and during the week there may be outages in requesting and renewing MeL materials. Thank you for your patience!
The Kids Area of the Downtown Library is closed for reorganization & renovations that will last up to 8 weeks. Storytimes, a small selection of kids' books, and a play area are available in the Lobby. More info here.
Washtenaw Reads has ended after many years of partnership. The 2024 Read was our final year. Many thanks to our partners over the length of the project, including: Bookbound, Booksweet, the Chelsea District Library, the Dexter District Library, Eastern Michigan University, Literati Bookstore, the Milan Public Library, Nicola's Books, the Northfield Township Area Library, Saline District Library, Schuler Books, Serendipity Books, the University of Michigan, the Washtenaw Intermediate School District, the Ypsilanti District Library, and the readers throughout the community.
History of Washtenaw Reads
Launched in 2003 by the University of Michigan Life Sciences, Values and Society Program, the Reads project was fashioned after a civic reads program designed by the Seattle Public Library. The book chosen for the inaugural Reads was “Lincoln’s DNA,” by Phillip R. Reilly. The Ann Arbor District Library was a major partner in this effort along with other area organizations.
The following year, the Reads program became known as Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Reads and expanded to include Ypsilanti and was co-sponsored by the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti District Libraries and supported by interested civic groups, the University of Michigan School of LS&A, the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Public Schools, local bookstores, Eastern Michigan University Libraries and Washtenaw Community College.
In 2016, the program was renamed Washtenaw Reads and expanded to include the communities and libraries of Chelsea, Dexter, Milan, Northfield Township and Saline.
Prior to 2014, each year's read had a theme, which can be viewed on the Past Reads page. Previous themes have included such subjects as: civil rights, science, citizenship and evolution.