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Finding Eli 2023

Library Director Eli Neiburger is EVERYWHERE this summer! You might find him in his office on the 4th floor of the Downtown Library, near library events at all branches, on the bus, or around town. If you see him, get the 1000 POINT CODE from the back of his shirt to trigger this badge!

Below is a schedule of library events, updated weekly, where you can expect to find eli and get his code this summer!

(Calendar is subject to change. Updates Fridays for the following 9 days.)

BONUS. If you find Eli and get his code, and you know your cult films of the 80s, you may be able to use his code as a clue to find a bonus code on a bluray in the AADL catalog!



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The code is close to a line from a movie. If you have the code, you can probably guess which two letters were edited to make it a summer game code, and that should help you find what the line actually was, and that should help you find the completely optional bonus code. Thanks for playing!

I'm just a random participant, but I think the idea is to use Eli's code as a hint to find a blu-ray disc in the catalog. So it's presumably a reference to an 80s cult movie.

Are you sure those aren't just library staff who know you? And to clarify, are the letters from the code the first letters of the words from the line of the movie? Or is it an anagram of something from a movie?

Yep, I'm sure! Out of the 64 people who have found the bonus code so far, only 16 are staff accounts. It's not an anagram or anything like that. If you figure out which two letters were changed for the S ummer G ame and google the remaining letters of the code in the order they appear, you'll find the film right away!

And it has a little code under the picture like the rest? I just went through all 4.5K Blu-Rays and didn't see it.

Wish I had seen your edit before going out to Pittsfield today. Oh well… the weather dolls are fun.

I think I found the bonus code based on my current understanding of what the movie is, but in the scoreboard it doesn't tell me if that's the correct code or a random find. Does the text say if I've unlocked this specific bonus? (Like "you've found Eli's Bonus code" eg.)

Will you be at any more events after June 18th?
I am on vacation and won't be back for another week and I want to get this code lol

Of course! Every Friday this page will be updated with the events I'll be attending for the next week or so, so this page only lists events in the near future. Stay tuned and be sure to say hello when you find me!

My office is on the 4th floor of the downtown library, but you have to actually find me to get the code. I am often in or near my office during business hours on weekdays, but my schedule can unpredictable, so I wouldn't make a special trip trying to catch me in my office.

If you're already at the downtown library feel free to swing by and see if I'm in, but I'm providing this list of events I'll be attending so you'll have a very high likelihood of finding me there. My schedule does sometime change last minute so I can't make guarantees, but I'm prioritizing attending these events! Thanks for asking!

late 90s baby here struggling to find the bonus code :( any hints for the movie genre or year it came out in the 80s? i've even tried googling variations of the original code to figure out the movie.

Badge Series
Event 2023

Badge Tags
Around Town


⭐️⭐️ Tricky 2 of out 4 difficulty

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