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Les Misérables

Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885. Book Fiction / Hugo, Victor, Adult Book / Fiction / Classic / Hugo, Victor None on shelf No requests on this item Community Rating: 4.8 out of 5

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Fiction / Hugo, Victor 4-week checkout Due 02-26-2025
Malletts Adult Books
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Adult Book / Fiction / Classic / Hugo, Victor 4-week checkout Due 02-15-2025

First published in 1862.
Story of Valjean, the ex-convict who rises against all odds from galley slave to mayor, and the fanatical police inspector who dedicates his life to recapturing Valjean.
Contents: Les Misérables. -- Misérables. -- Les Miserables. -- Miserables.


Life Changer submitted by nwall24 on July 5, 2013, 11:36pm This book changed my life. The inspiration that comes from Valjean is enough to make you want to change your life for good, no matter how good you may think you already are. A definite must for anyone considering themselves a good person.

Perhaps the Greatest 19th Century Novel submitted by sVfGI7Glt2pz7GZgVB90 on August 16, 2019, 12:24pm Victor Hugo relates to the way wherein individual lives are played out in the context of epoch-defining historical events. The main character of Jean Valjean is a run-away convict whose grave need to redeem himself through his adopted daughter, Cosette. Valjean is chased all the way through by the astonishing Inspector Javert, who is unyielding in his resolve to uphold the law and to apprehend him. Hugo pulls the reader into the politics and geography of Paris with a richness that is unparalleled. A true milestone in the development of the historical novel. Compelling read.

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New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books.
Year Published:
Description: 1231 p. ; 21 cm.
Language: English
Format: Book

9780812974263 (Modern Lib. Classics)
0679600124 (Random)

Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885.

Javert (Fictitious character)
Police -- France -- Fiction.
Ex-convicts -- France -- Fiction.
France -- History -- 19th century -- Fiction.
Paris (France) -- Social life and customs -- 19th century -- Fiction.
Historical fiction.
Epic fiction.