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Happy Birthday AADL!

by aadl-news

The Ann Arbor District Library celebrated its tenth birthday in December and I would like to thank the Friends of AADL, Staff and all those who have served as Library Trustees since the public library was separated from the public schools in 1995. Their hard work, loyalty and professionalism are evidenced in the sound state of the Library today.

The decade has been a turbulent, yet very productive one for public library service in the community. In spite of a difficult period in 2000-01, careful planning and management assures that the Library is now able to operate well within its millage while building new branches, adding staff, increasing the budget for materials, and leading in major community initiatives such as the upcoming Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Reads.

Join us in celebrating our birthday as we look forward to another great year and the opening of the Pittsfield Branch in March.


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