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GT Planning Meeting Agenda

by eli

The Season 3 Planning Meeting will take place this Sunday at Malletts Creek Branch from 1-4 PM. We will have plenty of open play, including Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, DDR, and, if the gun will work with the projector, a DUCK HUNT TOURNAMENT!

Also, we'll be testing out a crazy idea... we're going to try 8-player Mario Kart with 4 players at Malletts Creek, and 4 players Downtown. So, if any have your own transportation and would like to stop Downtown at 1:00, you can help Kip test the Downtown end of the network, and then head out to Malletts before we start the actual meeting.

Here is my agenda for the planning meeting:

Next Season's Games
2006 Season Name Change(!!!)
Tournament Format
- Melee Rules
Prize Format
Clan System Changes
Upcoming Events
- Retro Octathalon Suggestions
Kart DS Anywhere League
- Beta Testers

Unfortunately, we do not yet have the DVD of last season's championships done, but we will be shooting some video interviews for extras with those of you that are interested. We'll also be taking email addresses for those of you who want to be sure to get a DVD when they're ready.

There will be snacks.


People have died after gaming for periods of 2 to 3 days. No joke.



Since I'm arranging the D.H. Tourney, I have athourity for this.

Ok, Kevin (the owner of the NES and Duck Hunt) wants to bring MANY NES games as well as Duck Hunt. Basically he has every NES game you can think of because he's a collector.
IF you have ANY suggestions for a NES game, post on this blog between now and NOON SUNDAY! Maybe after or before the D.H. Tournament we can fit in some time for extra misc games.

BTW Eli, I'm interested in the extra interviews because i'll be wearing the storntroper outfit. You want to interview a stormtrooper for your DVD right?

"It's not what your doing, it's the stupid way your doing it."-Vincent Valentine
"Dude are you made of leprechauns? Cause that was awesome!"-Marine ~Halo 2~

if i don't come here are my ideas that i've said before.
increase the number of players in a clan
lower the frequency of items and ban a couple cheap ones not a lot though.
allow us to use avatars lol
duck's idea about commentary tryouts was good
have the suprise game be a seperate tournament and in the regular ones for the prize round do a combination of melee and mario kart in one of the different modes.


yea planning meeting. Me and tp2 probally wont be able to go downtown because neither of us can drive. I agree with sravan on everything except the melee one and the last one is a little unclear. Also i think the elimination rounds should give more points then the basic inherit bonus. Especially in the last race.
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

I'm not sure if I can make it but I'll also repeat my ideas.
6 player clans with top 4 players per regular tournament scores going to the clan score. The GC being different.
DO NOT lower item fequency it is a nessecary part of the tournament and without items it becomes no more then a 2 dimensional game. I will allow a few items to be banned.
Commentary tryouts at preseason.
Do not do MKDD and melee different modes it will just make people good at one game resent the tournaments. Having the surprise game is much more fair then different modes.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

Kevin plans to bring these games for the NES:

Bubble Bobble
Capt. Skyhawk
Super Contra
Smash T.V.
Ikari Warriors 2
Hogans Alley
Dr. Mario
Turtle 2 Arcade Game
Blades of Steel
Karate Champ
Wreaking Crew
Ice Hockey

If any of you have a suggestion for a game to play for the NES, make them now! I call him one last time before the meeting at NOON SUNDAY!

"It's not what your doing, it's the stupid way your doing it."-Vincent Valentine
"Dude are you made of leprechauns? Cause that was awesome!"-Marine ~Halo 2~

P.S. When he comes over to the meeting, Make sure that you call him one of these names:
Choo Choo Face

They're his nicknames.

I have to disagree with your last point, Duck; it seems to me that awarding prizes based on performance in games with which all competitors are familiar is inherently more fair than basing the final competition around a game which some will have played, and most not. Awarding smaller amounts of money or lesser certificates for each event, including a "surprise round", would make those players who are only good at one game <i>happier</i>, in fact, than making the distribution of cash contingent upon a different, unknown game for which they will not be able to prepare.

Melee Rules: We should have all items on very high... and random handicaps. Hell, how about we just assign certain players the rank of "Batmaster" which allows those players to kill their competitors with bats.

The above post was not to make any kinds of point, I am just bored.

Also, items suck.

Yes I can see that Pickwick but seeing as the format is melee people qualify and mkdd people qualify. The melee only people won't like playing mkdd to win prizes and the mkdd only people won't like playing melee for prizes. I do agree with the separate prizes for melee and mkdd as I stated before.

Let it be known that Rupert has extreme bias on items and should not be listened to on the subject. Since his opinion on items is no better then Indiana’s view of Intelligent design as a science. All hail the [w: Flying Spaghetti Monster].

If I knew I was coming I would demand that we play Joust and Gradius.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

heard of very few of the nes games. Eliwhen will the actual meeting be wrapped up.
"Eli Is awesome"
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

I think we'll start the actual meeting at about 2:30, the event is supposed to go to 4, but I would imagine that an hour will be enough time to get through the agenda.

Next time we should start the planning meeting a little earlier. Eli can u fill me on on commentarey because i am interested in being a commentator next year. I heard as i was leaving that you would have to sacrifice an event. I dont think that is good because you will be sacrificing your worst event which you won't know much about. If you let me commentate i would like to commentate for MarioKart beause that is my strong event so i wouldnt be willing to sacrifice it but, i know the most about it. Planning meeting was great Eli. It was awesome to argue over the issues.
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

It was great except for the part about banning big blue it is one of the best stages you can play on it knowing tghat there is a risk of not falling on a car and tyhat makes it a much more exicting stage Every time that I see a fight on big blue It's crazy there are no stallers because you would have to stall in the fray which isn't a very good way to stall soo i dont th8ink that it should be banned but if it is ill just yhave to deal with the injustice that was brought upon us by people who have issues with moving backgrounds.
It really isnt hard to play on big blue it just requires a lot of jumping

"No one gets out of life alive."

Eli i was suprised we had so much input thanks a lot.are the individual event prizes gonna be 25 20 15. You will probally be able to due that because u willget more money 4 prizes because of great attendance.
that would be 240 dollars total instead of the 150 or u could do 30 20 10 or 25 20 10
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

Big blue is listed as a perfectly balanced stage. It is not banned in any other tournament, Penny-Arcade or Smashboards don't have it banned in fact Smashboards which is like all you up stuck whiners has it listed as one of the 9 balanced stages which means they think it's as balanced as Final Destination and Battle Field. It doesn't give advantages to particular characters like Yoshi story and Hyrule do.

A full summary would be nice eli. I've got to repair the damage they did while I couldn't kill there childish arguments.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

I didn't argue against Big Blue because of what someone said on Smashboards. I just think it detracts from the gameplay.

Did you ever realize that there may be a reason that all of the big smash tournies play no items, neutral stages?

And what the hell is with the personal attacks? You weren't there anyway, so you can't call any arguements anyone made childish.

EDIT: If Big Blue is considered fair, then might as well leave it in. But then we should ban all the other stages that aren't in those 9 fair stages.

Rupert Smashboards is affiliated with the association that organizes and judges the majority of all smash tournaments.

Yeah I know why people play No items and neutral stages and I put it up there with professional Basket ball not allowing zone defense because it’s too effective. I find that it makes the game less of a game and more of a joke. It takes all the thinking out of the game and makes it a battle of who can twiddle there thumbs the fastest. It basically just makes it a physical challenge and not a mental challenge. I can totally see why you wouldn't want a mental challenge given your isolated and ignorant outlook.

Big blue was Banned hence there was at less one childish argument not to mention you were there so I’d expect that there were many more. I don't like big blue that much but it shouldn't be banned just because people don't like it. That mind set is archaic and childish. It's no different then a kid whining for a toy or not to eat something because it's different.

Oh now your twisting my words let me twist yours. Why do you want to screw with all the stages and want only the simple carbon copy stages that have no more individualism than an ant? Why do you have to have it your way? It's like your some brain washed storm trooper with no more purpose then to follow the will of your controller without a thought. You probably don't have a single aspiration of your own in that half dead brain of yours. Were you born in the U.P. or something? I mean learn to think outside your little world and compromise with logic, because until then you will still be a little kid.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

guys, canu tell me what happened at the meeting? Duck, i agree that big blue is balanced, and as long as u can jump and F-air, it isnt all that hard to survive. R they're still gonna b a random game 4 the surprise round, or is it gonna b a mario kart/ melee variation? If someone's good at melee and not at dd or vice-versa (in the surprise round), wouldn't they still b better off than if they play a random game that few people have played, that they suk at? IT wouldn't b all that different, and i think it would b fairer (i agree wit pro on his first comment).
Doom... Shalt... BLAZE!!![gtlogo:SDK]

“Wouldn’t they still [be] better off than if they play a random game that few people have played, that they [suck] at?” Not really most people don't profess in all the games they have played. If you had melee people who had touched dd vs. people who can play it in there sleep they wouldn't stand a chance even if they changed the format. Now surprise games while some people may have played them No one (our age) is really going to be an expert player. My root beer tapper, while it did set me apart from the rest of the people, couldn't come close to someone like my dad who learned all the tips and tricks. Now in pong no one had a really great advantage we all were at about the same level and consequently it was very intense and close because we were all in the same boat. Also the surprise game is just saying Melee people win this time and MK people win next time there is a higher possibility that both sides have an even chance. I mean how would a melee person feel if they said we're doing time trails in MK and the best four times get in, when you know people like Joe, Sravan, and TP2 can beat staff ghosts. It isn't fair it's flat out choosing who will win and who will lose; surprise games if you pick up something that works well you can stand a chance.

Sravan what's with you obsession with Halo? Why don't you just move to South Africa and marry Master Chief?

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

Duck, Tp2 has never beat a staff ghost. I seriously doubt joe and sravan have. Where did u get the idea that they have. I unlocked a staff ghost on baby park and have gotten within about 2 or seconds have the ghost but that is it. Beating a staff ghost is beating the peopple who made and tested the games.I see your point though i am just pointing oout a flaw in your example.
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

Unlocking a staff ghost means you have beat it. Still there are several people that have beat staff ghosts. I've beat 3 or so and I don't play in a time trail fashion.

No it doesnt Duck that is crazy. i have nlocked a staff ghost and have caculated appromaximetly when it finished and it is nowhere near the time. i have reall yonly played baby park for the skid turn practice elsewise time trials are pretty borinng.
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

Tp2 I would prefer to never talk with you again, so don't address me in the future. Bad driver I guess I'm wrong I just remember having the DK Mountain ghost be unlocked after I had a time that beat it.


Ummm.... This might come across as boasting, but I've beaten ALL the Staff ghosts, and with multiple karts of different weight class. It's very good practice for the GT; I did poorly at Double Dash to start because I had only practiced with the Train Kart.
Bad Driver, you shouldn't be discouraged from competing with them by losing to The Ghost of Baby Park(sounds like a bad horror movie, does it not?). It is far and away the hardest, and will likely take a number of tries to beat. They are unlocked on a course when you complete it within a quantity of time which varies from course to course, but is usually a few seconds slower than the ghost itself. You can beat a Ghost without having seen it, as Duck mentioned, by improving your time by a portion significant enough that you miss the range between the time that causes the ghost to appear and the time with which the ghost finishes.

I don't even know why I'm arguing no items. I'm moving to England before the next season starts.

Some guy in Southfield is having a smash fest this Friday, and Dope is going. You guys have probably never heard of Dope, but he beats ChuDat most of the time and ChuDat beats Isai most of the time so Dope is pretty good...

Just throwing that out there for anyone who's really in to higher level competative Smash.

Oh wait, that's no one. Never mind.

Tha is very hard to believe pickwick. Considering that the staff ghosts r porfessinials. Did u beat them all or unlock them all.
"Eli Is awesome"
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]


Anyway, I think the meeting went well and I am rooting for bonus points in clans that include girls.

In reply to by Quick Basic Nerd

Hello qucik basic have u been to the tourneys earlier. pickwick give me some times that u got to beat a ghost
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

predictionsim gonna go on a limb here but here are my predictions.
top3 money makers
3.doomblaze(look at his stats)

Top 3 clans
1.bros and co. Combiniation of skillz dat killz and noisemakers
2.Trouble Monkeys. The clan will be weaker but, sravan and joe are a great 2 in 1 punch.
3. Turtle clan (hey u got to put your self somewherre)
4.VMC Losing 3 members is going to give duck a lot of ground to make up.

"Eli Is awesome"

In reply to by Pickwick the Second

Duck that would be great. I think that one of us (maybe both, but I think that the problem is just one) isn't capable of debating a topic in a civilized manner so maybe I shouldn't even bother to debate with you because I won't get anywhere. I will say that I will only adress you when you are saying something false as you did earlier this week.

Pickwick I can't believe you on the grounds of impossibility. I have a hard time believing that you beat one of them let alone all of them. Also it is impossible to beat the staff ghosts without the Bowser kart. Without the 5 stars you can't acheive the speed neccesary to meet let alone beat the staff ghost time. I personally saw a video of the staff ghost on Daisy's Cruiser and I don't believe that is possible for a player who didn't design the game to beat it and especially with a 1 top speed kart.

By the way I think that the Turtle Clan will do quite well next season. With Bad Driver and I most likely attending all of the tournaments and a few new recruits. Also all of the TC2 members got gamecubes so now they will be real competitors. Although I am concerned about the TMC. I see them as the greatest threat next season. Of course STK could surprise us all again.


i beat bowser castle staff ghost and baby park staff ghost. duck south africa wtf? and i'm not obsessed with halo i haven't even beaten the game on my pc. halo 2 is fun and all but i'm not obsessed with it


You know you are a real jerk, TP2. You are perhaps the most stuck up person I have ever meet and I can't believe Daniel is your friend. I flat out hate your guts and I never hate anyone. Do you enjoy being such a bully and jerk all the time? Does it make you happy every time you attack me just because my views are different? Saying that I can't carry out a civilized debate is like saying Ann Arbor is a Republican hot spot. You really need to go get a life and a brain. I have lead views and compromised to make it work, you just slander me whenever you don't like the things I say. I may have said a few thing while I had a hot head because you really pissed me off with that one attack, but I have reason behind my arguments unlike almost everyone else on the forum. I really hope you die in a car crash while I'm still around to enjoy it.

South Africa legalized gay marrige a few months ago, Sravan.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

When u say beating a staff ghost u mean racing agnaist them and beating them in head to head competion.
Duck and tp2 stop fighting over nothing. U both are very intelligent people and u both are Daniel's friends. Why can't u get along. This needs to end now. I dont and im sure noone else wants a negative atmasphere that you 2 are creating on this blog. Than you and have a nice day
"Eli Is awesome"
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

btw everyone especially tp2. Skillz dat killz and noise makers r forming toghter and r going to be called bros and co. They have 4 people that finished in the top 20 out of 6. Noother clan (i think can say that)
"Eli Is awesome"

"Pickwick I can't believe you on the grounds of impossibility. I have a hard time believing that you beat one of them let alone all of them. Also it is impossible to beat the staff ghosts without the Bowser kart. Without the 5 stars you can't acheive the speed neccesary to meet let alone beat the staff ghost time. I personally saw a video of the staff ghost on Daisy's Cruiser and I don't believe that is possible for a player who didn't design the game to beat it and especially with a 1 top speed kart."

It isn't impossible to beat them without the Bowser kart; in fact, it's <i>easier</i>, on most courses, to do it with a smaller kart. The heavier your vehicle is, the more difficult it is to gain by doing a Mini-Turbo on a straightaway, a technique I learned by watching the spirits of the game's creators. The staff are human, too, and, as such, are fallible. For instance, the ghost on Baby Park strikes the wall slightly on the first turn; if you pull ahead of him there, you can leave him behind by a second or two. I broke the SG's record on Baby Park three or four times, using the Train Kart and DK Jumbo. My times are inaccessible to me at this time, as Dragoon Black has my game(he had never played it before September, but is training for next year), but I'll see if I can get them soon, that I may dispel this pervasive disbelief in my godlike powers.

In reply to by Pickwick the Second

Pickwick I saw a video of the staff ghost time being set and it was done with the bowser kart. If it was easier to do with a light-weight kart the designers would have known that and set the staff ghost with a light kart.
I will believe that you can beat any of the staff ghosts when I see it with my own eyes.
Duck you said that you hated me because I make personal attacks (which isn't true) and then made several personal attacks in the same post.


the staff ghosts aren't all impossible to beat. I got A better time than the peach beach ghost, and the DK mountain one is easy. You should be able to beat those ones tp2

SDK and noise machine are probably joining but the name isn't final
bad driver 5 out of 6 were in the top 20 and the last person was 21

Duck, chill, you're over the line. You may well have reason behind your arguments, but it often gets drowned out by your ad hominem attacks. You certainly did do an excellent job providing evidence for TP2's assertion that you are incapable of holding a civilized conversation. Wishing death upon others, and expressing how happy you would be to hear about those deaths, isn't usually considered very civilized.

AAAAAAnyway, thanks to all who came to the meeting, it was very productive and I appreciate everyone's participation. I'll make a post this week in summation.

sorry d-rex i just skimmed the leader borad. When you say beat a staff ghosts time you mean you dont actually race head to head agnaist them. Thank You Eli. Also i am interested in commentarey. Could i have a time slot for the pre season. If i cant make the pre season is there anyway i can still commentate.
"Eli Is awesome"
[img_assist|fid=125|thumb=1|alt=pwnz0rs|caption=Clan Logo for the pwnz0rs.]

TP2, your assertion that the staff made their "time" with the Bowser Kart is only partially correct. There *is* <em>precisely one</em> course in which the Koopa King was used: Bowser's Castle. Each kart used to set a record was used no more than a few times; the Red Fire clocks in first with three courses.
The list of times to unlock and beat, as well as the kart used to make the record, is as follows(from crazyreyn's FAQ at

Luigi Circuit 1:29:000 1:26:300 Luigi/Mario, Red Fire
Peach Beach 1:23:000 1:20:400 Peach/Daisy, Heart Coach
Baby Park 1:14:000 1:11:100 Baby Mario/Baby Luigi, Goo-Goo Buggy
Dry Dry Desert 1:53:000 1:50:750 Birdo/Yoshi, Turbo Yoshi
Mushroom Bridge 1:34:000 1:31:450 Koopa/Paratroopa, Koopa Dasher
Mario Circuit 1:44:000 1:41:400 Mario/Luigi, Red Fire
Daisy Cruise 1:55:000 1:52:200 Daisy/Peach, Heart Coach
Waluigi Stadium 2:02:000 1:59:650 Waluigi/Wario, Wario Car
Sherbet Land 1:28:000 1:25:900 Baby Luigi/Baby Mario, Goo-Goo Buggy
Mushroom City 1:53:000 1:50:650 Paratroopa/Koopa, Koopa Dasher
Yoshi Circuit 2:02:000 1:59:900 Yoshi/Birdo, Turbo Yoshi
DK Mountain 2:15:000 2:12:600 Donkey Kong/Diddy Kong, DK Jumbo
Wario Colosseum 2:24:000 2:21:100 Wario/Waluigi, Wario Car
Dino Dino Jungle 2:03:000 2:00:900 Diddy Kong/Donkey Kong, DK Jumbo
Bowser's Castle 2:47:000 2:44:700 Bowser/Bowser Jr., Koopa King
Rainbow Road 3:19:000 3:16:450 Mario/Peach, Red Fire

The preceding shows the course, staff ghost unlock time, staff ghost finishing time, characters on the ghost's kart, and the kart used, respectively. As you can see from this chart, or, if you were to unlock the ghosts yourself, there is a wide variety in weight and speed classes, proving that the staff themselves were balanced in their areas of skill. What do you mean when you say that you saw a video of a particular ghost being made? You can see the ghost itself racing if you turn on "Course Ghosts" in Time Trials and beat the 'unlock' time. Daisy's Cruiser was the second-to-last staff record to be felled by my hands; it was difficult, though not impossible, to beat it. I didn't use the shortcut, as it can be tricky to pull off consistently.
Frankly speaking, you could be quite a bit more tactful when saying you disbelieve my assertion, while still managing to convey the same message; your manner seems to indicate a certain contempt of my racing skills. If you are operating based on a set of assumptions made with my number of first-place finishes as input, keep in mind two things: one, that Time-Trials requires a slightly different skill set than does Grand Prix(my younger brother, Finklestein, has also beaten most of the ghost times, and he didn't make it to the final round of the Championship), and two, that I NEVER aim at first place in Kart, as, in my experience, doing so is just asking to find yourself forcibly removed from the front of the pack; the risk isn't worth it.
You have expressed doubt in the value of my word; this is not merely an insult, but tantamount to an act of war. To arms, then! I will condescend to show you the times on my memory card at some GT event in the future(I'm afraid I don't feel obliged to prove myself firsthand.) As for Melee--we'll see who comes out ahead at the next event.
Good Day!
-----Pickwick the Second-----
PS: Bad Driver, you may, indeed, race directly against a staff ghost in TT. As mentioned above, you must ensure that the 'Course Ghost' setting is active, then turn in a time better equal to or better than that which is required in order to make the ghost appear. Staff Ghosts are saved onto the game disc itself--not just their records, but the visual records of the karts making the records are there.
PPS: Leinad and Duck, there will come a time of reckoning. I have to admit, it <em>was</em> extremely funny, even from my perspective, but that just means I'll have to make my revenge equally humorous for all those involved.

Yeah TP2 I made attacks to try and show you how it feels and you did attack me very viscously I mean what was this:

Submitted by TurtlePerson2 on Fri, 12/30/2005 - 8:29pm.
“Duck no one cares without your VMC chronies you can't tell people what to do because you don't have Major Tom to yell at people or Leinad to say something intelligent. With both of them leaving I think that your blogging vote will be severely diminished. Also we won't see any more spamming without logic to back it up (cough * SFA * cough). Well actually we may still see spamming from the VMC I just hope it has an ounce of logic behind it next time.

Duck no matter how stupid my brother is don't insult him about it. He is in 7th grade. I hope you don't get satisfaction from picking on little children because, that would make you quite a hazard at GT events.”
And that was over a mild statement that you brother didn’t notice a social intricacy. Eli if you know how I've been for the last month you might think otherwise and there is no way that you can’t say TP2 didn’t step over it first. He really ruined the forums for me and I hate his guts.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

Duck please stop. Tp2 please stop. Lets get along. pickwick u r right. i am very sorry to everbody. D-rex suggeted playing peach beach and today i got in half a carlength from winning. Thanks for the list pickwick. Also Eli are you going to have the same rule for the melee only were if you attended a GT you can come to the smash
"Eli Is awesome"

TP2 AND Duck, Calm down!!! Your both acting like 7th Graders (no offense to Bad Driver)! I don't know who started it, but this getting on my nerves. First I see you two arguing, then one of you (duck) say "well he started it" by showing a post from long ago. Just shut up! You two bicker too much on these issues about making a civilized conversation. None of you are being civilized at all right now!

Now if we are voting yet, add my vote in for Big Blue becuase I rock at moving levels.

Also, that comment, Sravan, about Stormtropers, I didn't like it. The reason I wear that is because it's an attention grabber. Got it? Good.

About the staff ghosts, Im not sure about the DD vrsion but in the DS version, the way to get the staff ghsts is to come in up to 7 seconds of the ghost's time. I've already gotten and beaten some of the ghosts times in DD so I dont remember about that system.

"DUDE! What makes stuff grow out of the ground is APPLESAUCE!!!!"-Kevin (the NES owner)
"Dude are you made of leprechauns? Cause that was awesome!"-Marine ~Halo 2~

evil bus driver's right. you 2 are seriusly going to far. But if you think about it You prbley wouldent be so upset if you didnt find any truth about yourself in what the other was saying.
But if you have to hate someone hate someone like methe kind of person who realizes that the way we act in life will affect the next life that you have cause right now I think the lesson that is supposed to be learned in your next lives will be how to turn the other cheek.
"No one gets out of life alive."

If you had any clue who I am you would now that I rarely become angry and that I forgive people all the time.

How can you think that your next life is chosen by such little things as humanity? If you think about it we as a race don't make up that much of the world's population. If you think you're going to be reincarnated into another human you are basically trying to win the lottery. If you look at other creatures lives you could make the assumption that each time you're reincarnated into another being it is to learn a set of particular aspects that transcend humanity and life in general. So such little aspects humanity like "turning a cheek" could be deemed a merrily human objects that tie the sprit to life and that it isn't an advancement of the sprit into the next world but more of a hindrance. The sprits growth and development is complex and obscure and shouldn't be thought to be limited to humanity and all it's faults.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

E.B.D. no offense taken. WE dont talk with those big of words though. Thamks for the times Pickwick. I am very sorry for not believing you i played peach beach and within maybe 10 times i got within half a karts lenghth. I have trouble getting the extra skid on the first part of the beach.
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

When did i say that you would become another human? "Turning the other the other cheek." Doesent nessisarily mean that you would become a human.
If someone needed to learn a lesson on bieng humble there are plenty of other animals, insects and whatnot out there.
and juding by what your saying correct me if im wrong but i think that what you are saying is that learning human aspects of life will be more of a hindrance in your next life then a help. If that is what you are stating then i very cleary have to disagree with you. when i said turning the other cheek i meant that you have to learn that when you are attacked not to attack back because afterr a while they cant attack you any more
If learning non-violence is a liabilty to a spirit then what isn't ? When you are judged for your next life on the wheel you will want to be the very best living thing that you could possibly be bnecause after a while there are no more aspects of life to be learned and once that happens you dont have to take another life on the wheel andf ypou can become enlightened enough to join the Deciders in deciding for the billions of spirits that are not perfect enough to join the deciders in deciding

"No one gets out of life alive."

Being an insect doesn't allow you to turn the other check because you don't have the power to fight back against something 10,000 times your size. Humans are perhaps the only race that allows you to turn a cheek. I'm not saying that humanity is a hinderence, but that there are more fundemental aspects of growth that should take priorty because you can't learn to run before you can walk. Trying to run before you can walk just gets you hurt.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

*sigh* What was once a topic about the planning meeting has dissolved into a philosophical debate about the Human Condition.
"OK, next year we're going to change the tournament name from AADL-GT to AADL-G<strong>R</strong>... "Goat Rodeo!!!" - Eli <strong>
5000th comment poster!</strong>[gtlogo:VMC]

well i have to admit that fighting 10,000 times your own size would make turing a cheek a little harder but it is still possible. But even if you do get killed i belive that living things are judged on how well they lived not how long.

"No one gets out of life alive."

"OK, next year we're going to change the tournament name from AADL-GT to AADL-G<strong>R</strong>... "Goat Rodeo!!!" - Eli <strong>
5000th comment poster!</strong>[gtlogo:VMC]

Iv beaten the baby park sg with 3 different karts after playing 4 about 2 hours... I beat it witout mushrooms with the parade kart, but that kart is the best, so it doesn't really count. I've also beaten peach beach and bowser castle with the bowser kart with relative ease, but that's just me. Ty for metioning me as the third most likely to win money Bad Driver, but that won't happen if they're only giving out money for the surprise round. Ud probably figure that out anyway if you saw my stats tho... so what happened at the meeting anywayyyy??? And ya, our new clan is gonna b bros and co. cause D Rex and Monkey man r brothers, John and Tub o' Lard r brothers, and me and earnest r just other people who arent too good. I doubt ther's anything else i can say without someone antagonizing it... and Duck, no offence but would you hate me if i asked u and tp2 to plz SHUT UP!!!
Doom... Shalt... BLAZE!!![gtlogo:SDK]

DoomBlaze u r very underrated. They are giving money for each event. Also if i pick u and u become extrmely sweet then i can still have a horribile season and something to brag about. Flies dont turn the other check humans should. End of disscussion 100 comentsa till 6000
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

In reply to by TC Bad driver

Ty Bad driver, and if they r giving out for each round then i might b able to make some money next season FOR ALL- if you check any cheat/walkthrough website that has a mkdd FAQ on it, itll probably tell you about staff ghosts. IF it does, it'll probably tell you that you have to get like 5 sec under or more to unlock (in ds its 7 or 8)
Doom... Shalt... BLAZE!!![gtlogo:SDK]

Doomblaze pickwick gave both times above. Yea hopefully i will be able to make money. Me and u doomblaze r porbally the 2 best people that have been around for awhile that havent won money correct me if im wrong.
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

In reply to by TC Bad driver

predictions when will ew get the 10,000th post i predict in between round 4 and next years grands. im not sure when the 5000th post was posted but, i know the blog has been up for about 7 month and thier is about 6000 posts i think
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

one last thing. I forgot to metion this at the meetig. i think Smash team should be double eliminiation. With a little extra time on our hands this is the ways to go i think and since there is about 40 teams a tourney and 16 can play at once it works out well. U can even have some people who have played once be playing well another group of people who havent played yet r playing
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

"Eli Is awesome"

Turtle clan had all 3 of its memberrs in the top 26 (almost 25 ) considering that as a clan we missed 12 tourtaments thats pretty impressieve. TP2 will probally have another great season. I am going to try to work my way into the top 10. Bowser should be able to make more tourtaments hopefully. I dont know if paduck is coming to season 3 or not. btw the leaderborad is slightly messed up because an open play tourtament raised some people quite a bit. ( i went from 19th to 11th) And i only attended 1 of the 2 tourneys
"Eli Is awesome"

Ahhhhhhhhhhrgh! I dislocated my knee cap last night at monkeymans b-day party! It hurt...
Doom... Shalt... BLAZE!!![gtlogo:SDK]

In reply to by Doomblaze

That 2 bad doomblaze. That would be funny if we had a Disabled list for the tourneys. Out with a thumb injury so and so and on
"Eli Is awesome"
[img_assist|fid=126|thumb=1|alt=Turtle Clan Logo|caption=AADL-GT Turtle Clan]

Yeah, Sravan, I'll bet <strong>his</strong> party actually had people there.


I'm kidding, of course... :-P
"OK, next year we're going to change the tournament name from AADL-GT to AADL-G<strong>R</strong>... "Goat Rodeo!!!" - Eli <strong>
5000th comment poster!</strong>[gtlogo:VMC]

Bad Driver, you didn't include me in either list--that of the best people who haven't won anything, or of the top players for the upcoming season. I'd like to think that I belong on both--until Friday, of course, after which day I will be ineligible for the former. Is everybody here intending to attend the Melee competition?

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