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Slaveholding Principles

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Another principie which prevaiís througout the slave States, is, thal laborious ent" ployments are disgraceful and degradtng. Many individuáis in the free States may not conceivc of the power, extent, and effects of a prejudice whicli never entered tlieir owu minas, ana tney may uierefore, at hrsisignt, be eomewhat incredulous upen this point. - I3ut the proof wbich vve shall adduce, will be sufficient to eatiefy the most ekeptical. Hear Gov. M'Duffie in his message to the Legislature of South Carolina, 1836-7. "In the very nature of things, tliere must he classes of persona to discharge all the offices of sociely froin the highest to the Iowest. Sonie of these offices are regarded as degraded, nlihough they must und will be performed. iJetice, those manifest forms of dependent servitude, which produce a sense of superiority iu the masters or employers, and of inferiority on the part of the servante." Mr. Faulkner in the Virginia gislature, in a debate on slavery in 1332, speaking of 4!the división, cüscontenf, iadolenceand poverty of the Southern country," adda : " To whaf, sir, is all this ascribable? - To that vico in the organizationof soiriety, by vhich one half of iu inluibitanis are rrayed in interest and feeling against the o'.hcr haif - lothat unfortunate state of sociely, iu whk'h freeincn regard labor as disgacefu!,1' The füllowing testimony of 1060 inhábil- anta of the District of Columbia, 200 of whom were slaveholdere, as eet forth in a petition to Congress in I63C: "The existencc among us of a dislincl clats of people, who, by their concjüion us slaves, are deprived of alniost every in cenlive to virlue and industry, and shut out from many of the Fources of light and knowledgo, has an evident tendency to corrupt the moráis if the people, and to damp the spirit of enterprise, by accuttoming the rising generalion to look wilh contempt on horiest labor, and to look for support too much on the labor of others." The correspondent of the New York Evangelist, 6ome of whoee letters we have publishcd, tesiifies explicitly on this point. HÍ9 couclusions are the result of personal observa'ion during his residence at the South, - He says: - "The kinds of labor which are usually perfoned by slaves are eonsidered degraduig to free persons, pariicularly the whites.' "The same feeling applies in somo parts f:B cov.t-.'ryr to agricullural indus'rv. und ihe stamp of iNFERioiUTY [g placed upon i any wnua ma who labor ia the fieldts. - ! iJolin Rüuiioiph, in lw place in Conre:h, jïtiiduf'a politica) opponent wi:h Bn exj preasion of ihe utmost contempt, 'ífe wópks ; wjih his nigger.s at hoeing corn.' 1 need nol say thtU Iliis inipresiou that agricuiture is not an honourabie occupation for any man, is disastrous in the highest degree." "The wealthy owner of a hundred slaves feels that his hands are loo delicate to be employed in any thing useful. Accustomed to live for the sake of enjoyment merely, to spend their time in hunting or fishing, in convivial pleasure, or in visiting his neighborí?, he necessarly connects diligent manual labor, with the character as well as the condition of a slave. Throu"h the Northern States, iho industrions mechanic and the farmer, are on precisely the same level with the professional man and the merchant; except ao far as men are arrayed in different ranks, by ihe dis- linction of property and refiuement; and as their situation in these respects ehanges, they rise or fall in the scale of society, with as much ease and certainty, as in a kettle of boiling water, the cold water inks, and the hot ascends to the surface. llere, the constitution of sociely resembles fliat of Europe: it is very difficult for the poor man or the poor man's son, lo rise in refinemenl and respectability, though it is easy for the rich man to become poor, and at the same time degraded. If aristocracy, using the word in an offensive sen&e, is ibund any where in the United States, it is found in South Carolina. The poor white man, like the free negro, is despised by the sluves themselves." Buch is the state of society nmong slave-. holderö, as described by themseJvee, or by thoBO wbo have persooally obuory cd itsacteriatica. Entertaining fluch views of man. 1 labor, and bucIi a conteroptuous opinión oi thoae who are obliged to subsist by thelr daily industry, it ia not surprising that they Bhould lay upon the table the petitions of more than a rnillion of the Northern people. And we have reason to believe that Ihe same policy will be pursued towards the whole body of the people of the free States, until the free laborers of the nation shall be represented in the National Legislature by pereons who will convince the slaveholders, that "those who worfc at haeing corn," have rights and intereats which they are both able aod willing to maintain. Tailaiiassee, March, 2G. A few nights since, wo learn, twelve negroe. belonging the REV. VVESLEY ADAMS,, of Jefferson county, were burnt to deatli. They were all in one building, and it is supposed were suflbcaled, and rendered insensible, asthey gaveno alarm, and wlien the doors were opened utiered not a groan, The building was enlirely de&troycd. The loss to Mr. Adams is truly severo and distressing,. and he has the sympathie of a large circle of friends. - National Intelligcnccr, April 13. The eufferings of the poor negroes- the anguish of their surviving friends, conetitutes no part of the sympatliy above But the gushing sympathies "of a large circle of friends' are lnvished p M. Adí.h ror the great loss of PRQPERTY he haseustained. Poor man - he has our sympathies,' not that he has sustained pecuniary loss, but that he should bo soblinded to the righte of man as to hold them and treat them bs chattels, and so impioua as to attempt to preach the gospel of peace and equal rights to others, while he uimeelf is living in open violation of that law which requires that he should "break every yoke and Iet the oppressed go free." How comfortable to the abolilionists, who, on Ihcnomination of General Harrison, exulied in the idea that "no slavcholder" could ever again be Piesident of the United States, must be the reflec:tijn that nQlavekoldcr now becomes President hy the aid of their totes! ! The above paragraph from "Kendall's Expositor" will serve no doubt as food for re flection to those abolilionists who were so zealous to secure the election of Gen, Harriaon over his competitor, on account of his "devotion to the nterests of the elavo." Whatever may haye been the views and feeling8 of Gen. Harriaon on the subject of 6lnvery and its abohtion, it must now be conceded by every intelligent aboütionist who voted for TYLER, that he virtvally voted for a Hlaveholding PRESIDENT. By remembenng the history of the past, we have no doubt our friends will hereafter be on their guard, and vote for no man for any legislative or executive office, unless he is an avowed and straifjh fttward abolitionist.