County Conventions
We publisb, to-day a cali for a Convention of the friends of liberty in Oakland county, to ineet at Pontiac, June 22d, to nomÃnate suitable candidatos for the Legislature. Let similar Conventions be held immediately in all partsofthe State. Let not the advocates of impartial liberty in the several counties be discouraged by the fewness of their inembers. Hovever few they may be, 'they are too numerous to bcstow their suffragesortheir influence, for the election ofpro-slavery candidates for office. Let a nomination be made in each county, as far as suitable men can be founci who will advocate universal liberty. No oihers are fit to receive the votes of free men. The result of the recent elections in the Eistern States, and in Michigan, showing that the number of the liberty votes has doubled, trebled, nnd quadrupled, in six months, demonstrates that a separate nomination is something more than a mere farce, or a vain show. We have every thing to encourage us to be not faithless but believing, and put forth corresponding exertions, From the beginning of the enterprise, God has overruled many things apparently unfavorable, for its rapid and permanent advancemenf, and we have reason to believe, that the election of a slaveholder to preside over this nation, and the pliable subserviency to the slave power manifested by many of our public men, particularly by Messrs. Webster and Granger, will be the means of awaking our Northern citizens a to sense of the necessity of strenuously supporting their rights. The insolent and absurd de. portmenl of Virginia toward New York, has been the mean3 of calling forih from Governor Seward, the broad Anti-Slavery declaration, in which he is sustained by a vast majority of the Freemen of the State, that "all men, of whatever race or condition, are men, and of right ought to be Fkeemev," and that "it is as absurd, in that State, to speak of property in immorial beings, and consequently of slealing them, as it would bc to discourse of a división in the common atmosphere." Abolitionists generally have not been forward to atiopt the policy of separate nominations, and r.ow that they have been driven into it by the absolute pro-slavery character of both the grcat political partios, and since the results, both upon the North and the Souih show that they are right, let them adopt the remainder of Crodictl's motto, and "go ahead."
Liberty Party Convention
Old News
Signal of Liberty