Controversial Film Showing Unlikely

Controversial Film
Showing Unlikely
The pair of experimental films
scheduled by the University's]
Cinema Guild for tomorrow!
nfSffl^ill not be shown this1
week and probably not be seen
this season, according to the,
Guild manager. \
The two movies, filmed by
Andy 'Warhol and the fourth in-|
stallment in (he Guild program
erf experimental' motion pictures,
was originally set for showing
tiast week. However-, the mov'
|ies ' ' i of arrived from No
Yo [hen and apparen;
have noi reached t,he New York
distribution point from previous
exhibitors, Edward C. Wcbcr
said today.
wiii s.ud that the Guild's
pr. (tilling commitments
I will probably prevent any later
viewing of the films this year.