Olive Nye
Olive Nye
Saline Man's Aunt,
Succumbs At Age 80
SALINE-Miss Olive Nye, 80,
for 40 years compi roller of UK-
Homer Warren <& Co., Detroit
real estate and insurance com-
pany, died last night at the Burge
Hospital in Springfield, Mo. She
',vas the aunt of Francis N. Lock-
heed, Saline funeral director.
Miss Nye was born Sept. 13,
ISTS, in Ray township, Macomb
county, a daughter of Ezra and
Maria Virgil Nye, and had lived
for many years at 851 Pingree
Ave., Detroit.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs.
Iva N. Lockwood of Ypsilanii; ?
niece. Miss Olive J. Lockvvonrl,
also of Ypsilanti: and 1\vo np|)h-
f'vvs, Ferris C. Locl\\\'m»rl ol' Ham-
burg and Francis Lockwood of
The body will be brought to the
tLockwood Funeral Home where
funeral services will be held. Ar-
rangements for the latter have
not yet been completed.