Mrs. Anna Lister
Mrs. Anna Lister
Former City Resident
| Succumbs In Detroit
Mrs. Frederick Lister, 82, for-
merly of 1101 Olivia Ave., died in
Detroit early this morning at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Jo-
seph A. McKay.
Born Anna Belle Stevens on
June 19, 1873, in Eaton Rapids,
she was a daughter of Henry C.
and Mary Hale Stevens. On her
father's side she was a direci '
•descendant of Capt. James Avery,
one of the founders of Grot on,;
Conn. j
She was married in Clare,
Mich., in August of 1896 to Fred-
erick Lister of Clare and Elm,
Cambridgeshire, Ens'lai"' Sl' pre-
ceded her in death.
She lived in Clare until 1926 when she moved with her family to
Ann Arbor. She was a member of the Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter of the DAR. 01 I he
Phoebe Beal Circle of the King's
Daughters and of 1he First Meth-l
odist Church WSCS. I
Surviving are three daughter's.:
Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Paul S. Bigby
of 614 Stratford Dr., and Mr"..
Milford Boersma of 112;') Arlin^'i
1i»n Blvd; a sister, Mrs. Harry H.'
Whiteley-of Dowagiac; and finii
grandchildren. >
Funeral services will In' held
af 3 p.m. Saturday in the Douglas,
Chapel of the First. Consif^iit ion '
al Church with Dr. Leonard Pn'i
officiating. Burial will be
Cherry Grove Cemetery at Cl;i
Friends may call at the Muc
lig Funeral Chapel Friday aftei-
noon and evening. The family has
requested that flowers be omitted.
Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Paul S. Bigby
Milford Boersma
Mary Hale Stevens
James Avery
Henry C. Stevens
Harry H. Whiteley
Frederick Lister
Anna Belle Stevens Lister
614 Stratford Dr
1125 Arlington Blvd
1101 Olivia Ave
Ann Arbor News
Old News