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Mrs. Anna Lister

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Mrs. Anna Lister

Former City Resident
| Succumbs In Detroit

Mrs. Frederick Lister, 82, for-
merly of 1101 Olivia Ave., died in
Detroit early this morning at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Jo-
seph A. McKay.

Born Anna Belle Stevens on
June 19, 1873, in Eaton Rapids,
she was a daughter of Henry C.
and Mary Hale Stevens. On her
father's side she was a direci '

•descendant of Capt. James Avery,
one of the founders of Grot on,;

Conn. j

She was married in Clare,
Mich., in August of 1896 to Fred-
erick Lister of Clare and Elm,
Cambridgeshire, Ens'lai"' Sl' pre-
ceded her in death.

She lived in Clare until 1926 when she moved with her family to
Ann Arbor. She was a member of the Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter of the DAR. 01 I he
Phoebe Beal Circle of the King's
Daughters and of 1he First Meth-l
odist Church WSCS. I

Surviving are three daughter's.:

Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Paul S. Bigby
of 614 Stratford Dr., and Mr"..
Milford Boersma of 112;') Arlin^'i
1i»n Blvd; a sister, Mrs. Harry H.'
Whiteley-of Dowagiac; and finii
grandchildren. >

Funeral services will In' held
af 3 p.m. Saturday in the Douglas,
Chapel of the First. Consif^iit ion '
al Church with Dr. Leonard Pn'i
officiating. Burial will be
Cherry Grove Cemetery at Cl;i

Friends may call at the Muc
lig Funeral Chapel Friday aftei-
noon and evening. The family has
requested that flowers be omitted.