Publication Information

Will be published'every Wednesday mom ing in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, by the Execntive Committee, for the Michigan State Anti-Slavery Society. N. SULL1VAN, PRINTER. Terms. - 2,00 per annum, in advance. 82,50 in six months. $3,00, if payment be dclaycd tü the close of the year. A strict ndherence to the above terms will be observed in every cnse. Advertise.ments thankfully received and in6erted at the usual prices in this vicinily. Any friend of humanity dcsiring tü aid the cause of Liberty, is aulhori.ed to act as Agent. All REMiTTANCKs and all Communications designad for publication or in any manner relating to the "Signal of lAberty," will" be hereafter addresscd (Xpost paulO "Sional of LiBERTr; Jlnn Arbor, Micli." "siGNAL. OF LlBELiTV. "wcilHestlai , iúnt 25,1841.
Signal of Liberty
Old News