The Erie

We hoped that we shouid learn somc tliing to-day to relieve ihe details publishod yesterday, but every thing wehear serve todeepen the horror. All that the imagi nation can conceive of' the terrible anc hearl-rcnding was realized in tlie destruc lion of the Erie. Scores sank dcspairing ly beneath the wild waters, but there i reason to fear man)', veiy roany, stroug men, helpless women and tender children perished in the fia mes. The Clinton, as soon as she could discharge her cargo yesterday morning, returned to the scène of the disaster, to piek Hp whaiever could bo found. She founc no bodies, nor any thing scarcely to repay the scarch. The water was coverec lur miles with einders and fragments of ihe wreek, more or less charred, and that wa all. At one lime, ihose on board the Clin ton had their feelinga excited in the liveli est nianner. At a distance was seen a fragment floating apparently supporting half a dozen men. On approaching t wa found to be nolhing but a portion of th guard, tbe timbers which connected il wit the huil, black with lire, and standing ou of the water in a manner tiat created th s;röng illusion. Dr. Ilarris, the Coroner who accompanied the Clinton, has fur nished ua the following: - "Alexandcr Lambertou, musician, from Erie, andFrederick Pai'maleebar keeper svere picked up uva snjall boat after th Clintun had lelt. Parmalee was on the water seven hourd, and showed great pres ence of mind iu exerting himselftg save Mr. Gelston, the brother in law of Col Reed. He gave Mr. Geiston a plank which he had secured for his own preser valion - aud when the boat had ceased to move, after wailing for some one eise to whom he could rentier assisiance, he touk one of the feuders of the boat, and by managing to keep upon it, he eucceeded in preserving his own life. Small pieces of charred wood and portions of the boat were found floating, as well as part of the goods that remained without being entirelyconsumed. Tlie boat also pickcd up the wheat measure, which was the ineans of saving Mr. Williams. This is abuut all that has not already come to your knowledge." Notwithstanding the heroic and selfsacriricing act of Parmalee, we fear there is no reason to hope that Mr. Gelston was saved. In addition to what is stated respecting Parmalee's gallant conduct, wc learn fiom the Ropublicanof thia morning,hat Mr. Edgar Clemens, too, the engineer abandoned a plank on which he was loating to three children, and afier aome ïearch found a box or bale, which he al}o resigned tu an oÃd man, and after being jome time in the water, at length reached he boat to which Capt. Tilus waa clingg- We learn that Mrs Lynde, too, the only ady saved, evinced as much cooÃness and ntrepidity as any one on board. Her rcseuce of mind nev6r Ãorsook her tbr a moment. The Republican Ãárther says: Mr. Parmalee gives'a must lerrific dee cription, among other thinga he Bays, that while wutching ihe boat trom the water, hc observed that the mast-head waa onc sheet of flarae, that the flagstafT was wreathed with fire, that the ilames were bureiing from the centre of the vessel, he saw a man standing on the crosa head (the highest part of the engine, the engine had stopped)and watched him untilhis ciothe3 were burned from bim, and he feil amid the flame. A boy who ia now at the American, bchaved wilh the most perfect coolness, holding on the rudder chaina with hand, leg, and arm, relieving each, as the oiher was too much burnt, and desiring those who were with him, in case they survived to teil his friends of hia death and coolness. He too ia a gallant fellow. and deservea the highest commendations. Capt. Titus did all that man coulddo under such circumstances, and surcly the people of Bufialo will remcmber the proclamation oflheir mayor, and do something toshow their Jsympaihy for the suffercrs, alleviate their distreea, and commend the heroic conduct of those who have so wcll deserved the praise of a people. Among those on board were ten young men composing the Erie Band, who had consentcd to accompauy Capt. Titua to Chicago and back, whose names we were unable to ascectaiu until to-day . Of those ten only two were savcd, viz: W. Wadsworlh, named yesterday, and Alexander Lamberton,. the person picked up witlv Mr. Parmalee, and alluded to above. The names of those lost were Robert Hughep,. James Heek, Jos. Slerrit, John C. Clufl; Phillip, a Germán, and Diñara, another young man. Those Dersons were not professional musicians, but young mechanie?, who hadassociated together for mutu al improvement and recreation. Their loss will be sensibly feit and deeply lamented at Erie. [We here subjoin the ñames oL those loal and those saved, as far as known.J; LOST. VV. M. Camp, Harrisbujgh, Pa, Willet Weeks, Brooklyn. John C. Pool, N. Y. cUy. E. S. Cobb, Ann Arbor, Mich. Otto Tor, N. Y., wife and three childreo Lloyd Gelaton, Ene, clerk. Mr. Joles, steward of the boat. Mrs. Giles Williams, Chicago. C. S. Lynde, Milwaukie. W. S. Lynde, Homer, N. Y. Mrs Win. H. Smith and child, Schenec-. lady. A. Sears, Philip BArbier, Henry Weaver, Wm. Thomas, . â .Eyarts, Peter Finney, nainters, Buffalo, in the employ of VV. GJVJiller. Alisa A. Miller, Buffalo sister of Wm. O, Miller. J. Woodward, New York,. Wm. Gisfin, Mississippi. D. S. Sloane, Geneva. F. Stow, Canada. Wm. Sacket, Michigan. Mrs. Spencer and two cbildren. Mrs. Dow. Mrs. Robinson, Balston Spa, N. Y. Miss Kobinson, do do Miss King, do do Mr. Moore, ady and two children, froin. Yates county, N. Y., moving to Michigan. Orrin Green, Rushville, Yates Co. Roome Button, from near Fort PJain. Charlea S. Mather, Mt. Cleraens, MichN gan, has a ianiüy at that place. , [Here is a list of Swiss passengers, lost, being 87 in nuraber.] SAVED. Juróme M'Bride, wheelman, badiy scalded James Loverty, do 1-Jiiü.m PeGraff passenger, Denms M'Bride, first mate, Theodore Sears, painter. Elgar Clemens, first engineer. Son of T. W. Beebee, Cleveland. Harrison Forrester, Harbor Creek, Pa. Thos. Quinlin, Middlelield, Mass. Three Gorman passengers, badly burned, Robert Robinson, coloree] man, barber. - Johnson, do 3d cook, J. H. St. JoLn, passenger to Chicago C. Hogg. do badly burned. Wm. Wadsworth one of the band, Eria, Alfred O. Wilkeeon, East Euclid, Ohio,. VVilliam Hughes, 2d mate. Thos. J. Tann, Pittfsord, N. Y. John Wmchel, Buffalo. Giles 'Ãlliams, Chicago. Capr. Titus, captain ot' the boat. Mrs. Lynde, Milvvaukie, Christian. Durler, Holmes Co., Ohio. Rice, Hydraulics, baldJy burned, We have also gathered the following facts and additional names from Messrs. Parsons & Co. On examination of Uit 87 narnes of Swiss immigrants given yes- terdayjihey nctually nurnb x IOS peraoot
Steamboat Erie
Steamboat Accident
Accidental Deaths-Fires
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Alexander Lamberton
Frederick Parmalee
Edgar Clemens
W. Wadsworth
Robert Hughes
James Heck
Joseph Sterrit
John C. Cluff
W.M. Camp
Willet Weeks
John C. Pool
E.S. Cobb
Otto Tor
Lloyd Gelston
Mrs. Giles Williams
C.S. Lynde
W.S. Lynde
Mrs. William H. Smith
A. Sears
Philip Barbier
Henry Weaver
William Thomas
Peter Finney
William G. Miller
A. Miller
J.D. Woodward
William Gisfin
D.S. Sloane
F. Stow
William Sacket
Mrs. Spencer
Mrs. Dow
Miss Robinson
Miss King
Orrin Green
Roome Button
Charles S. Mather
Jerome McBride
James Loverty
Hiram DeGraff
Dennis McBride
Theodore Sears
T.W. Beebee
Harrison Forrester
Thomas Quinlin
Robert Robinson
J.H. St. John
C. Hogg
Alfred O. Wilkeson
William Hughes
Thomas J. Tann
John Winchel
Giles Williams
Christian Durler
A. Strugler
Mrs. M. Stember
Mrs. Bargest
J.F. Byer
Mrs. Miltmore
Von Ockermon
H. Freeman
Ansel Ricker
John Harrington
Luther Fuller
William Cheats
William Winters
James Read
Robert Smith
H. Vosburgh
David Mills
Israel Vosburg
William Sparks
Anthony Weichel
Peter Stein
A. Siegel
Mrs. Siegel
G. Raft
John Long
Michael Kreis
Philip Freigent
John Vogle
Mrs. Vogle
John Angell
Miss Sherman
Mr. Sherman
Silas K. Green
Oliver Nadeau
Peter Vaughart
Mrs. Vaughart
Eliza Parkenham
William Morris
Miss Griffin
E. Griffin
John Allen
C.V. Carpenter
Maria Jones