South Bad Paymasters

-In lookingover the June number of the Kuickerbocker, we perceive the names of delinquentl subscribers are published, with the sums which are due from each. The whole sum ; due froin such subscribers, in the number j before us, is $173, of which sum, $145,50 is due from southern subscribers, which is more than five-sixths of the whole. It s! believed that there are ten numbers of tho Knickerbocker taken in the Nurih, â where there is one in the South. If so,i then we have ndebtedness from the Southl about to GO to 1. This single factwouldj perhaps prove nothing very definite by it-J self, but when taken in connection wilh' otherthings,.one can't uvoid noticing it.
Old News
Signal of Liberty