The Veto Message

-We pnblish thisdocument entire to the exclusión of other matters, well knowing the deop interest existing in community in reference to it. lts effect8 will roach to the remotest parts of the natioB and be powerfully feit by all the political organizations. But we have no room this week forremarks. {CTIntelligence has been received in this place of a most distreseing casualty w.hitih occurred, a few days since, in Syracusc? N. Y. While the firetnen were engnged in extinguishing a fire which had broken out, al quantity of powder in the building exploded, ! killing thirty-three citizene instfintly, and wounding about os many more. Particulars next week. QT"We have some anieles on hand.which ' have been crowded out for tvvo weeks, by t je pressure of other matters. A raong them is ono showing the working of the act fur j distributing the nett proceeds of the public' land, from the Emancipador. We shall 1 Ã8h it next week.