Publication Information

Will be puüiisned every Wednesday mom ing in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michiguii, by the Executive Committee, for the Michigan State Anli-Slavery Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Terms. - $2,00 per ann urn, in advance. $2,50 in six monlhs. 3,00, if payment be delayed to the close of the year. A strict adherence to the above tekms will be obscrved in &very cose. AnvEBxisEMENTS thniik fully received and inserted at the usual prices in this vicinity. Any friend of humanity desiring to aid the tause of Liberty, is authorized to act as gent. All REMiTTANCRs and all Communications lesignud fot publicition or in any manner â elating to the "Signal of Liberty," will be jereafter addresscd (ÃJpost paidJ) SiönAl of LiBERxy; Jinn Arbor, Mich." S1GNAL. OF LIBERTY.
Signal of Liberty
Old News