Important From Washington--resignation Of The Cabinet

' Messrs. Ewing, Bell, Badger, Crktenden and Granger have resigned their respectivooffices in the Cabinet. Mr. Webster, in a. )ublished letter, has signified his intention o remaiii at his post, at least fot the present, and seems to regret that such an abrupt )roceeding shoiild have been made. The novv Cabinet, of President Tyler, s composed of the folio wing persons: Daniel Webster, Secretary of State. Walter Forwaid, of Penn., Secretary of he Treasury. John JMcLean, of Ohio, Secretary of War, A. P. üpshur, of Virginia, Secretary of :ie Navy. C. A. Wickli(Te, of Ky., Post Mastef jreneral. Hugh. S. Legare, ofS. C. Attorney Gen ral.