The Following Is An Extract From A Very Encouraging Letter...

CJThe following is an extract from a very encouraging letter from one of our devoted friends in Kalamazoo County: Messrs Editoks : - 1 have obtained four subscribers to the "Signa! of Liberty ;" I would gladly furnish a list as long as an Anaconda, were it in my power. I do highly approveof thecourse thnt you are taking with the Signal. I think it will be the means of accomplishing muchgood. - Dr. Thayer will probably meet with good success in obtaining subscribers in Climax; he also said to mo that lie would suggcst lite propriety of holding conventions at Schoolcraft. Yours in behalf ofthe oppressed. FR1END C. BIRD. Pavilion, Sept.7, 1841. (tOur valued friend in OakJand County in a letter containing the names ofnewsubecribers, remarks as foïlows: "The Whigs of ihis región begin to think sornelhini of Abolitiou nominations. intelligent anli-abolitU;ti whig hen:, recenUy made the broad admission, that in iwo years the north will be arrayed against the southj and that the iwo great parties will be pro utx! anti- lavcry. It might be so, i f the anti-slavery friendo would unanimously adoptlhe motto: "SIIOULDER TO SHOÃLDER." Respectfully.